11 years to make the first $1 million
Glendon Cameron, during a consultation with a client:
I can't count how many times I have said this in a video.
Told a client in a meeting yesterday. The time it takes for a founder to make their first million is 11 years.
I was 32 when I started my first successful business ( the first 5 were straight turkeys)
"The average age for a successful startup-founder is about 40 years old, according to the Kauffman Foundation, a think tank focused on education and entrepreneurship. (In their words, one’s 40s are the “peak age for business formation.”) The reality is that the typical American entrepreneur isn’t that hover-boarding kid in a hoodie; it’s his mom or dad. In fact, the only age group with rising entrepreneurial activity in the last two decades is people between 55 and 65."
I am beginning to think those who conduct their due diligence ( looking at the numbers) are going to rule the world.
Those that read and consume headlines and go with it, are going to be perpetually scratch their heads.....