Are Entrepreneurs born or made?
Are Entrepreneurs born or made? Is it genetic or not? Why genetic entrepreneurs are more successful than other peoples? Why they get success earlier than the other peoples? What are the reasons behind these things?
These are all questions which may arises when you think about it. I am going to explain these matters which may clarify your point of view.
"The most important project you will ever work on is yourself."
Entrepreneur is a person who find problems and create solutions. They set up businesses, take risks and fearless of failures and they are born to be successful.
Entrepreneurs are made not born but actually it’s all about your interest, it is not necessary if parents are doctor, engineer, footballer, cricketer etc. then their children love their passion or exactly will do what their parents are doing. If you are interested in football then you may become a good footballer. Why? Because you are interested in, this will help you to become a good footballer.
It is true children inherits properties of their parents, why? Because they have an environment of this type which helps them to understand thing better. Mostly you heard about children who are good programmers in very less age, why? Because their parents or surrounding help them to reach in that stage.
Environment helps a lot to achieve goals. You probably hear about if you want to judge someone you can check their gathering. Because you attract by the peoples who have the same thinking like you. In short just remember that if you are interested in something then you can achieve it with strong determination and there is nothing like genetic, you are the owner of your soul, keep going until success, definitely you will achieve your goals.
Genetic entrepreneurs seemed to be successful earlier than the other peoples. Now you can guess why the get success early. As they are born in that environment which help them to adopt these cool qualities from their parents which helps them to get success earlier than other peoples you can think children qualities like that “children qualities=parents qualities + children qualities”, when children born they do not have any quality they learn which they listen mostly they see, like a storage drive which is in starting empty later it filled with data which become the identification of the storage drive according to the type of data is stored because when you retrieve data it will be what you stored same as thinking which you store in mind it comes out when you speak and you see the world according to which you have in mind, same rule apply on the children. It is all about your thinking and interest, interest depends on thinking,what you think, you becomes.It is a thinking which create differences between peoples, you are unique due to your think, there is no good or bad peoples but actually if you separate bad thinking from peoples then everyone is a good. Just remember that nothing can stop you from getting success until you think to be failed. Be patient and work on your interest definitely you will be succeed.