Starting your own business (The Journal) log #5

in #entrepreneur7 years ago

My client is finally getting leads!

Thanks for following me on my journey. To see my previous post, click on the link below.

Yes, it took me a few days to get good at Facebook advertising. I had to learn how to boost campaigns. Create ad sets (the posts) and custom audiences for the campaigns which are basically different types of demographics that I want to see my customers ad on facebook. He's a custom auto repair and detailing shop. I created an auto enthusiast group, hip hop/jewelry, home improvement (trucks and people who own trucks), wealthy group.

I have $750 to spend on facebook advertising so i'm able to do alot of testing with $30 here, $20 there and see what audiences work. Anyway, i've gotten decent enough at creating good audience groups that people are starting to comment on the posts about pricing, etc. and even direct messaging him. Takes a lot of pressure off me since now i'm starting to deliver what I sold and the client is less suspicious about whether I know what i'm doing or not. On the negative note, before the holiday weekend I heard from my friend after sending him a nasty text basically telling him to not lead me on if he's not going to do it. I've helped this guy out alot and basically handed him a promotion. After some nasty words to each other, he said he felt bad for letting me down and hopefully we can still be friends. I just let it go and said w/e and that "we're cool". I've burnt too many bridges in the past. My idea was once I get busy, I can't be running all the campaigns by myself and I will need him. If I can make this work and show him how to do it, he'll probably get on board. He was definitely put off at having to learn something new and I think that's why he bailed.

I met with the Indian Restaurant (spoke with him over the phone too to build more rappor), my first customer at my full time gig I sold a few weeks ago. He made me do all this extra work for him, like applications for his restaurant, called his website company and liased to trouble shoot some issues and fix things on his site. He gave me free dinner and basically asked me to manage his restaurant. I told him I could help him out from time to time but I don't have the time to manage his restaurant. I hinted at some facebook marketing and he said "Whatever you think is best, I trust you my brother. Thank you for all your help." So, he's basically sold.........but he was so forward and so trusting, I felt a bit bad about selling him on the spot. I felt that I didn't earn his trust enough to sell him as my own personal client. Probably just overthinking but I told him I'd bring him some reports next week to show him how "some" of my "clients" are doing just so he feels a bit more comfortable about it and left it at that.

I sold another indian restaurant last friday. One shot close. e-mailed him and he said to meet up later in the week. I did and he signed the contract on the spot....First time for me. Seriously...these business owners are so gullible. They are luckily I'm a nice guy and trying to help their business otherwise I would gouge them for every penny. I sold him on a 6 month contract with the option to cancel at 3 months. I hinted at facebook advertising but he did not seem interested so i left it alone. I will aim to build his trust and show him the value of facebook down the line. Anyways, was there for like 3.5 hours and he gave me free dinner as well.

THere is clearly an opportunity here for me to build my own book of business from other people that I'm already seeing. Killing 2 birds with one stone. If they don't want my FT company's offerings, I can offer to run Facebook for them from my own business. The difficult part about selling facebook is, if i don't have that trust or the reputation that my FT company provides, it will be a tough sell. The goal is to sell them into my FT job's products, sell myself and build trust while they are my client, and then turn them into my personal business client.

Well that's all for now guys....I have a few other clients that I have lined up to close at my FT gig and will work on building trust with them as well.

Hope you guys had a more successful week than me and I will keep you posted!


Cool update - I'm going to have to go back and re-read your whole series

Thanks. I'm just starting out so it might be a bit slow. hopefully in the future this will turn into something that's sustainable and can replace my job.

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