Random Talks about Friends 闲聊Friends

in #entertainment7 years ago

Recently I've been watching Friends on Netflix. I cannot remember how many times I watched this TV series. I just cannot get enough of Friends:)


Source: wikimedia

Well, one fact is that the first season of Friends was in 1994, which is 24 years from now. That means....A baby who was born in the year when Friends first on air can have his/her own kids now! O.M.G.....(in Janice's voice)

Even the last season was 14 years ago. But the jokes are still funny, and some of Rachel's hair styles and outfits are still trendy.

The only thing outdated is Chandler's laptop in season 2 - 12MB RAM, 500MB hard drive, built-in spreadsheet functionality, and a modem transmit 28Kbps...This bad boy is in museum today.



Source: Imgur

To many Chinese in my generation, Friends helped us learn English and gave us the first impressions on how the lives in New York went on. When I hear the word 'high maintenance', I always think of Monica LOL

The stories and the characters with distinctive personalities made Friends a huge success in the sitcom history. Chandler's jokes and Joey's facial expressions are always in my favorite scenes. Basically I like all the six main characters.

对很多中国人来说,Friends不光是一部百看不厌的电视剧,更是学习英语和了解美国生活的好伙伴。至今我听到high maintenance这个词第一个想到的都是Monica,哈哈。


Source: mtimes

Not all the time though.

I always skip the part when Ross and Emily got married. Emily is a very unfortunate character in the show, Julie and Mona as well. I cannot believe that Ross and Rachel had broke up for 7 seasons. I blame the writers for involving Joey in the complex relationship as well. (Still way better than the ending of How I Met Your Mother. )

What is your favorite character or scene? Feel free to comment:)


比如我每次都跳过Ross和Emily结婚那段。这里双R的人设我都不能苟同。虽然不喜欢Emily,但我觉得她也真是挺倒霉的,同理Julie和Mona. 双R第一次分手后竟然纠结了7季之久,还搭上了Joey,编剧真是到最后玩脱了。(感觉这种超长剧到最后都会玩脱,不过比起寻妈记的渣结局Friends已经好太多了。)




Hey! Cool post! Is always interesting to read about things we love as much as Friends. That show is still airing in some places, believe it or not; my family and I are huge fans of the show 'till this day!

My favourite character? I don't know if I could choose between them (as I love all the characters!), but Ross was the one I could relate more (I'm kind of a nerd); and Phoebe (agh!), I love her craziness! My mum's favourite character was Rachel (of course) and Monica (because she loved how obsessive she was about cleaning and organising stuff). Although, I think everyone could relate to any of the main characters in that show as we all went into or experience life with them (and through them as well). So at one point, we're all Rachel, trying to figure out life and what to do; we're all Ross, being still childish about science and weird among the other; or Joey, striving to be successful in his work field . . .

So, I have always seen this show a more than just a 'show'. It's a metaphor for society and all the stereotypical (and archetypical) things in life, and how love and friendship are across of it all: It's a coming of age for everyone!

Thank you for reading and your comment. Cannot agree more:)

@yingzoe, 这是小可可我在steemit最好的邂逅,好喜欢你的贴(^∀^)哇~~~ img


老友记真是百看不厌 我记得大学的时候我还听写他们的台词来着 😄


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