The 'Never Be Bored Again' list! 69 things to do right now
You don't ever have to bored. realised this a few years ago and have been making this list ever since. I keep it on my phone so it's always handy. Most of them aren’t hard to do or to find. Here are some things you could do right now:
- Read a book.
- Play a video game.
- Go for a walk.
- Take up jogging.
- Life weights.
- Clean your room.
- Clean your entire house.
- Mow the lawn.
- Watch some TV.
- Go see a movie.
- Write a short story.
- Write a long story.
- Write your own movie.
- Knit a scarf.
- Take up photography and amaze friends and family with your pictures.
- Play scrabble.
- Read a dictionary.
- Build a birdhouse.
- Start beekeeping.
- Take a new class.
- Write a computer program.
- Learn a language.
- Go bird watching.
- Go fishing.
- Get outside!
- Go on a bike ride.
- Climb a mountain.
- Find a place to go ski.
- Go to the mall.
- Make a budget for yourself.
- Call your mom.
- Call someone else’s mom.
- Call your grandma.
- Do some laundry.
- Learn to iron your shirts.
- Change your oil.
- Figure out the different parts in your car.
- Learn to play an instrument.
- Paint a picture.
- Draw a picture.
- Take a drawing class.
- Play Draw Something.
- Do a Pilates video.
- Be more brave and go to a Pilates class.
- Try yoga.
- Vacuum the house.
- Clean out the refrigerator.
- Wash your car.
- Write a haiku.
- Write different poetry.
- Join a book club.
- Ride a horse.
- Hang out in a coffee shop.
- Go camping.
- Join a gym.
- Set goals for yourself.
- Sew yourself some gym shorts.
- Visit an animal shelter.
- Adopt a buddy! It can be a cat/dog/lizard, whatever makes you happy!
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
- Become a Big Brother or Big Sister.
- Take a drive.
- Listen to a podcast.
- Organize your Tupperware.
- Try to make a stranger smile.
- Compile your family history and make a family tree.
- Join a club.
- Pick up garbage on the side of the highway.
There are so many opportunities available if you’re simply willing to look. There’s really no reason to be bored. Start now; pick something from the list and watch your boredom go away, and let me know what you decide to do!
Sometimes all we need is to go back to the basics. I appreciate this list. Life is good, we make it good. :)
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