Agents Of Shield Season 5 Finale Review.
Agents of shield, a tv show made by marvel studios and featured on ABC channel completed its sixth tenure in Friday last week and left me conflicted and sad. Because we are seeing the end of a generation coming and this finale just emphasis on that issue.
The episode starts off with couslon on the bed and is slowly dying, the team discusses which possible options to choose, they can either save coulson or save the world and in this scene I may not agree with what Elena did in the past, but it made me understand that the team is selfish in thinking coulson would help them as always, but in reality he is just one man.
The part where daisy justifies that coulson could be the key to solving it all was based on riddles done by a little girl, this therefore meant that daisy is taking a huge gamble in saving coulson which would definitely be irrational.
After skipping some dramatic scenes
We see that coulson has now been awakened and is stable but the team didn’t use the serum on him, instead in the end fight it was used to fight against talbot and daisy killed him by launching him into space.
Before the fight we see Elena and coulson talk and she justifies her reasoning to which coulson replies “I understand, I would’ve done the same”. This therefore gave Elena a peace of mind.
Skipping a few more dramatic scenes and big fight with Talbot
After daisy defeats talbot in superpowered showdown using a gravitonium and centipede serum, talbot is thought to be killed as he is launched into space.
Fritz dies in process of evacuating the citizens along with Mack and May, this breaks Simmonds heart and deke (grandchild of fitz and simmonds) is wiped from existence, with the death of fitz. Daisy seems really sad at the loss of deke as his room is completely empty and anything attached to him is gone.
Then they have a toast for coulson retirement as he is slowly dying and they also have plan to bring fitz back as he is somewhere in space frozen. Daisy and coulson share a teary moment where they daisy acknowledges coulson as the father she never had and i bawled our my eyes.
I also follow the tv show and I was saddened by Coulson's death, although in the end i thought they were back in the Framework again, him and May. Coulson could have been cryopreserved too as temporal solution... i refuse to believe he's dead :(
They renewed the tv show for season 6, for about 13 episodes and they killed him off because they didn’t know the story behind infinity war and how it was going to end. I sincerely would like to believe they bring him back and season 6 would officially be the end of the tv show.