A way of entertainment :D

entertainment means a kind of fun for him/herself. it has been an integral part of human life since time immemorial. people across the world engage in various kind of activities to break monotony of life. carnivals, fairs and festival that people across the world celebrate today resemble the mode of entertainment that our ancestors developed and enjoyed.apart from fairs and festival, human also used birds and animal in their entertainment activities.

                                                                                                                                  today, we are living in an era where we have many choices and option to keep ourselves entertained. however, how we entertain ourselves largely depends on the choices and interest of an individual. watching movies and reading books are some of the widely accepted chosen mode of entertainment. for me, movies could never become my favourite pastime.it, however, does not mean i am naysayer to movies , as i do watch some movies which say inspirational stories but what i enjoy the most is reading. i find going through the pages the best way to keep myself entertained.

                                               i read any book that i can lay my hand upon, it could be a classic or a fiction and religious epic or history book. reading biographies  and autobiographies of great leader or politicians scholars and other distinguish personalities always feels good as they inspire and motivate us. reading a book has multiple advantages , likewise, it entertain reader , also enrich them with knowledge. when we read books, we visualize the context , which constantly keeps us mentally active. this also helps in developing our creativity. a bad reader can never become a good writer. 
                                                                                                                                                          books are like those best friends who make great impacts on our lives. books are cheaper than any other form of entertainment. so read on....................

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