The 2018 Ancient Hebrew Enochian Calendar: Confirmation Today Jan 19, 2018 is Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat – 11/1/2018

in #enochian7 years ago


Tonight January 19, 2018, my children (Justin and Joy Garcia), my friend Emily Gonzalez, and I just finished watching the sun disappear over a canopy of trees in glowing pastel red haze, having reached the vanishing point. About 30 minutes later, in southwestern skies, a thinly veiled sliver of waxing crescent moon revealed itself in phantasmal appearance. The signing of this ghostly apparition is visual confirmation for the marking of Rosh Chodesh 11/1/6000 the Hebrew month of Sh’vat as indicated on the 2018 release of our Ancient Enochian Luni-solar Calendar.

This calendar unifies into one cohesive form the ancient Hebrew Enochian Lunar calendar together with the Gregorian Solar calendar. It enables users, ability to determine when the new moon, chodesh occurs as defined by the Book of Enoch as a 7% waxing crescent moon which is when it first becomes visible. Contrary to mainstream belief, Sabbath does not occur once every seven days but is aligned to the sighting of chodesh. It is always marked on YHWH's calendar as the first day of the lunar month and excluded from the following four seven day count of the sabbatical weeks. Because of that, true Sabbath can float through and occur on any day of the week according to the Gregorian Solar-based system. Only by using a calendar which adjusts for the sighting of chodesh including such exclusion, can one remain compliant to true Sabbath and mark in celebration the actual Leviticus 23 feast days and festivals.

Earlier this evening Emily Stinnett Stanford posed this question in comment to me on one of the posts that I made a few days ago. “If there is a full moon (maybe blood moon?) on Wednesday the 31st, wouldn't that be sabbath? -- We are so confused as to the count. We read Diane's book from sacred word publishing and seems you two have different counting methods. If you sight the new moon in the evening then the NEXT day would be "new moon day?" –

Zen Garcia Group Moderator Really good question and yes we do determine chodesh slightly differently which is something I wanted to speak with Diane about but have not yet had chance to do so. Personally the reason I mark chodesh with the sighting of the sliver and then move on into the seven day sabbatical count with the following day is because of the Book of Enoch and also to do so, more accurately aligns the actual quarterly phases of the moon to the seven-day sabbatical week and occurence of Sabbath. Adding an actual 24 hr new moon day to the account of the weeks In my opinion throws off the lunar months and also skews the quarterly phases of the moon from actually lining up with the monthly sabbaticals. I will do a post about this in a short bit and also's share something that I just today discovered in a book called Ezekiel the Tragedian which affirms that the Hebrews were mandated by Yahweh Elohim to follow the Ancient Enochian Lunar Calendar as I have laid it out in the one that we made available through

Diane is one of our new authors. She wrote this book:

In many of the sources I have read, there was an element of evolutional thinking in the progress of man. Ancient man was looked upon as underdeveloped, superstitious and ignorant. How arrogant we have become. I believe we are the ignorant ones. We have been duped through the generations that we know it all - We have ascended to heights way above our ancestors in knowledge - when really we know less than they did. Can any of us rattle off the constellations and explain why they are up there? Do we know how the sun and moon work together to point out the month and season we are in and follow them through each mansion? Do we understand the positions and phases of the moon and why they even happen? Without this information we cannot know His true appointed times.

After posting this reply to Emily, Tracy Thomas made this comment on the post which I thought was relevant to the discussion of this topic. “I'm convinced that there is no other way to know a true Sabbath. After reading the history of calendars, I do not believe that anyone can be accurate on when the seventh day truly is, other than to have a sign in the heavens that can guide us to it. The moon is that guide. Thank you for your work. We appreciate it so much.”

I answered with this reply: Zen GarciaGroup “I agree with you fully. There were no written down calendars widely available to the people of those times and therefore they were not keeping up with the passing of the days and Sabbaths according to a once in every seven day counting. The phases of the moon were a heavenly marker which visually aligned with the passing of the four Sabbath every lunar month on God's calendar making it easy to not only keep up with, but to realign with should the moon be unseen for a period of time perhaps because of storms or because one was inside for certain reason. The quote that I am about to share in one of the posts I'm about to release will confirm that the lunar phases were aligned to the Sabbath as well as the Levitical feast days. Keep an eye out for that I'm working on that post right now.”

For those that are new to the study of this topic and still on the fence with regard to how to determine the timing of when Sabbath occurs and whether one should follow the Gregorian solar calendar or the ancient Enochian lunar solar calendar for observance of not only Sabbath but the Levitical feast days and festivals mandated remembrance to Israel. I would like to share with you a passage which came to my attention earlier today during my studies. It is from a manuscript called, “Ezekiel the Tragedian” which is part of the Pseudipigraphal collection released by Rh Charles. In that particular text is says:

“This month shall be the first month of your year, in which I’ll lead you to another land which to the Hebrew fathers I did swear.” And say to all the peoples, “In this month, on full moon’s eve, the Paschal sacrifice to God present, and touch the doors with blood, which sign the fearsome Angel shall pass by.”

Careful examination of this particular passage, one can see from this quote that full moon’s eve is cited as being aligned with ‘the Paschal sacrifice’ or Passover. Such alignment would mean that the actual occurrence of the full moon would mark the feast of unleavened bread which always occurs on the full moon Sabbath every 15th of Nisan beginning the seven-day festival which ends on the third quarter Sabbath of the 22nd of Nisan. The alignment of the full moon with the 15th of Nisan as with every lunar month on the Lord God’s calendar, can only be maintained in the current when one is following the Ancient Hebrew Enochian Lunisolar Calendar as laid out by the one that we created and released through

• Should one wish to know more about this particular topic and how this calendar is situated, please forward to my ninth book, The Flat Earth As Key To Decrypt The Book Of Enoch:


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