Enlightenment. What is it? Jesus, Buddha and religions
Abraham Hicks Transcript
Youtube Video by Awaken Within 4/19/2106
Many spiritual teachers guide us toward awaking toward our true nature, known as enlightenment.
That’s what we’re referring to as a receiving mode. Enlightenment is not like a college degree, where once you get it, you hang it on the wall and it’s yours forevermore. It either is or it isn’t in this moment. You’re either allowing who you are or you’re not. So enlightenment is a current state of being. It’s not ever anything that you can just...don’t let anybody ever give you a certificate of enlightenment. Hand it right back to them and say this is an ongoing process. And to prove it just punch them when you give it back to them. Instead of calling it a state of enlightenment, let’s call it understanding of the laws of the universe and a deliberate interest in applying myself in successful ways. Let’s not try to define ourselves or anyone else’s enlightened or not enlightened. Let’s instead say,
“I am aware of the laws of the universe and I intend to be as often as I can in full sync with who I am”. Because that’s what enlightenment in the moment is.
So the receptive mode, that’s what we mean, you either are in it or you’re not in the moment.
We want you to never again, never be a slave to conditions and so you can move through the most dysfunctional of environments with people who aren’t clear-minded, who aren’t doing what they usually do or what you want them to do or what you’ve asked them to do.
You want to practice it enough that no matter what, you’re in vibrational alignment with who you are. And so what if you’re not? What is the worst case scenario really? Inconvenience, maybe time lost, maybe redefining. You hold so tightly to what you have or what you believe that you are, that often you don’t allow yourself the evolution into something that really is a better answer to who you now are and sometimes when you’re carrying things around with you, things, even relationships but most of all beliefs, you prevent yourself from the discovery of the new, clear, more adventurous, more satisfying path by clinging to the things that you’ve decided are so important. You want to be a free-floater in this universe of ideas. You want to be a ready-receiver for the new ideas that are coming to you, not holding and clinging to what once was the best translation. We want you to look future into your vortex, not back into present tense.
And when we’re in that state of receptivity,...
Then you’re enlightened. And think about what it feels like. Activate the feeling of it. It feels like clarity, it feels like fun, feels like life, feels like wellbeing, feels like comfort, feels like knowing. That’s the natural state for you. You have lots of words for it. You call it enlightenment. We call it temporary. We call it potential, we call it a work in progress, we call it what you’re reaching for. And until you put ahead of the conditions a determination to feel the alignment. What does that feel like? It feels like sureness, it feels like fun, it feels like lightness, it feels like light-heartedness, it feels like clarity, it feels like fullness, it feels like wholeness, it feels like who I really am, it feels like ownness, it feels like flexibility, it feels like readiness, it feels like good timing, it feels like aliveness. Find those feelings and practice the feeling of them and practice it as often as you can and look into environments and conditions as much as you can for things that you appreciate that cause you to feel that way until you own that vibration, until that is your most practiced set-point, until that’s where you go, that’s where you go, that’s where you go most easily, because when that’s where you go most easily then your off-times usually don’t last that long. Something brings you back into alignment. It’s not days of discord and days of dysfunction. It’s seconds or brief snatches in time while you’re rediscovering your alignment from your new framework of stronger asking which Source has already closed the gap, filled the gap on and you now could be, if you wanted to be, in the receptive mode of experiencing the full see-it, hear-it, smell-it, taste-it, touch-it version of your new expansion.
Both Christ and Buddha would have been the first to tell you that it was always something that they aspired to and something that they often achieved but not something that anyone ever holds steadily to all the time. It’s an objective. It’s a calling. It’s not some standard that you should hold yourself to and then beat yourself over the head with a club when you’re not there.
This is what the eastern religions seem to instill, that we are all supposed to become this, and so when you say that this is a planet of joy and that it’s an individual choice, I don’t quite understand. I know you say there’s really no other purpose to be here except for joy, except there seems to be such a collective consensus in the teachings, eastern and western, that we are supposed to come to a certain height.
At the heart of all of those religions, there is an understanding of alignment. When you discuss any of them, if you can get back to the precepts on which they were originally based, you discover that there was an understanding by those who were translating at the beginning of coming into alignment. It’s an individual’s self-alignment with who they have become and that’s the thing that all those religions were teaching, but as man gets hold of it, whether they are the leaders of a church or of the nation or of a peer group in a high school, most leaders really believe that leadership is about looking amongst the masses, coming to a conclusion of right-action and then somehow affecting conformity to that right-action. And what is forgotten almost every time in almost every religion is the understanding that that coming into enlightenment, that that coming into vibrational harmony, that that going home, coming into the light, upliftment, seeking source, finding God. No matter what words they are using is all about an individual closing their gap between who they are and who they have become. And it’s this determination that almost every religion or organized anything has to get you to conform to their standard that has the whole thing not working well. Don’t you find it amazing that all of these supposedly enlightened people who are now trumpeting the leadership of all of these supposedly enlightened religions are using their disagreements with other religions as their basis for destruction of one another? Where do they find that in their scriptures or in the basis of that which they teach? There is a huge misunderstanding and it goes like this:
“I want to be good therefore I must find the standard that is good and then I will do my best to conform to that”.
And that’s where they all go wrong because they’re saying there is a standard. Instead of understanding that if there are billions of people on the planet, that there are billions of standards. Because there were billions of intentions as you came forth and there are billions of exposure to contrast as you’ve given birth and there are billions of vibrational escrows that you are reaching for and there are billions of individual emotional scales that you are turning in the direction of and there are billions of gaps that are being closed. You are individually coming into alignment with your Source. It’s not a Source that someone outside of you has assigned to you. When somebody says, “For you to be good you need to meet these requirements that I have established here”, we say there is something screwy in their understanding because right away they are taking your guidance outside of you and they are trying to control your guidance. They are saying, “I hold the keys to your enlightenment, to your upliftment, to your wellbeing, to your connection with God. You need me.”
Every religion, without exception has lost their way on that, because they have stepped outside of their individual understanding of who they are.
You did not come forth into this leading-edge, time-space-reality with the attitude that said, “I’ll go forth and I will find THE right way and I will lead others to THE right way”. Instead you said, “I’ll go forth and I will conclude what is best for me and the Source within me will become it and call me toward it and when I go, I’ll feel really good. That is enlightenment.
Now I am an example of someone tuned in, tapped in, turned on. I am an example of someone offering a singular non-resistant signal so my power of influence is HUGE, but what I’m influencing toward is not doing as I do and thinking as I think. What my example of enlightenment is about is my example of alignment. You did not come forth as teachers to tell others what they should create. You came forth to demonstrate, through the power of your example, how to create. They are the creator of their own experience and they get to choose. And when you look into any environment that has any form of disruption, whether it’s a rebellious 5-year old, rebellious teenager, a spouse rebelling in marriage, an employee rebelling under the discomfort of an employer, a nation unhappy with irrational leadership, world disruption based upon things going wrong, in every single case what is at the heart of the rebellion is a natural personal awareness that “You’re not the boss of me”. A natural personal awareness that there’s a vibrational escrow that’s calling me and when I listen to your call, I’m always off my path. Every time somebody tries to tell you what you should do, what you should think, why you’re here, they are leading you off your path and that’s why you go crazy. You can feel yourself not going with the flow. There are so many well-meaning people, but if they would speak more accurately, what they would say to you in their attempt to guide you is,
“I have not yet discovered my own alignment with my own Source. And I’m feeling rather frustrated in my illogical effort to control others so that I can feel better. And I am using you as a guinea pig to see how compliant you would be and how many of my hoops you are willing to jump through. And I have this illogical misunderstanding that if I can get you to jump through some of my hoops, that I will feel better, but it’s going to take your undivided attention, you’re going to have to really trust me, which means you’re going to have to set aside all of your natural instincts. So from this moment forward, forget that if it feels good, it is. And you have to start believing that if it feels good, you’re being led down the wrong path and that if it feels bad, you’re on the right path. And then you have to understand that nothing that is worthwhile is easy. There is no stream of well being. There is no Source. You are not worthy. You are here as unworthy beings and so any of your natural instincts are wrong. Set them all aside. If you feel like laughing, stifle it because that would be inappropriate and if you feel like doing something, don’t because that’s just selfish. If you instead listen to me, it’s going to be hard, so it’s going to take a lot of trust and a lot of faith and a lot of willpower, you’re really going to need a lot of willpower because every inclination that you have is going to want to lead you toward joy so it’s going to be a lot of trouble for you. Because I know how much trouble it is, I’m going to start with you when you’re really really little and I will call those the formative years. Those are the years when you defy your natural instinct for joy and instead you do everything that’s illogical. I’m going to smile when I don’t mean it. I’m going to pretend that I feel good when I don’t, so that you learn to mimic my actions with no guidance whatsoever coming forth from within and if I can train you appropriately then we’ll have world peace. We will have defied all of your natural instincts, your reason for being and everything that you are but let’s go for it. And if it doesn’t work out, and so far it hasn’t, we’ll get better at it. We’ll train you stronger and faster and we’ll ask for your compliance and then if we don’t get it we’ll just make the stake higher. And if you don’t listen to us then we’ll condemn you to hell. We will.”
And didn’t all of you get some of that somewhere? Somewhere along that training you start to think there’s something screwy in this. And so then when you listen to us ramble about who you are and what your true intent was and why you are here and how it is that you’ve come forth, you say, “why does this resonate with me?” And we say, “Because you remember that’s who you are”.