The sea and its mysterious creatures.

in #english7 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear people of Steemit today I want to share one of my fascinations. 

It is my third crossing with a Post in English, I apology if I make any error, i am learning english


From a child I liked everything related to the sea and his mysterious creatures, only 5% of the oceans are known, would be required many hours of diving, billions of tanks of oxygen and more a life to be able to discover all the huge misterys which the sea holds, not to mention the loads of money that this entails.

In this post we speak of some of those fascinating and creepy creatures that so far we have discovered, let's start 


I present the Goblin fish.

It was discovered in 1939 by scientists, although it was not until 2004 that could be captured on camera live, at that time was seen its characteristic fluid-filled transparent skull, unfortunately when this fish was caught for its research, his skull was destroyed when removing it to the Surface.

This strange but beautiful fish found in the cold waters of the North Pacific, approximately 600 or 800 meters of depth and reaches a length of 4 to 5 Cm.


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It is time to talk about another fish which, from the moment that I saw him, I thought it was something taken from a film of its fiction.

I mean the Blobfish.


This strange fish with a little grotesque can be found on the coasts of Australia and Tasmania. 

According to scientists this fish is about 600 or 1200 meters of depth, where the pressure is tens of times stronger than at the surface.

This fish can survive these great pressures due to its evolutionary adaptation, where I give up its natural buoyancy (Gas bladder) apparatus and modified your body making it largely in a jelly-like substance that is less dense than sea water. 

This substance allows you to float at the bottom of the sea floor without using their fins for swimming and also giving you this grotesque appearance.

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We continue with the strange creatures.

Now it's up to the Tardigrade or better known as the Water Bear.


This strange and peculiar creature was discovered in 1777, J.A.E. Goeze and gave him by name Tardigrade. According to studies, this animal just 0.01 or 1.2 mm and can only be viewed through the lens of a microscope, it is considered to be the most resistant of the planet until recent times and layers of surviving in the confines of space thanks to its high level of adaptation. 

Its adaptation exceeds by far to any living thing on Earth, it can be said that the Tardigrade can die to survive. It has the ability to dehydrate to lose 99% of water in your body and move to a stage of temporary suspended animation, until conditions are appropriate and thus return to their natural state.

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And the vampires came lol, or better said the fish-eating bat red lips, known scientifically as (Ogcocephalus Darwini).


This friend can be found in the Galapagos Islands, with more frequency in "The anchorage" of Wolf island. It is located at a depth of 3 to 30 metres, it can reach 40 cm long.  

It is not a very good swimmer, mostly uses its fins to walk along the seafloor. The scientists came to the conclusion that males use their peculiar feature of the lips red to attract females, have curved lips down and this gives them an appearance of being angry.

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And finally a dragon and not referring to the Dragons of game of Thrones.  

I present the Sea Dragon.


These beautiful animals are found on the coast south and West of Australia, they are close of the famous horses of sea cousins.  

But I do not believe it these animals are still fish with a somewhat different and complex evolution, their fins in the form of elongated and stylised leaves make it seem some seaweed floating adrift in the sea, thus passing undetected to predators.  

It can be found on Australian reefs and its surroundings at a depth of approximately 20 meters.

The Sea Dragon is mas big that his cousin despite his fragile appearance seahorses can reach 45 cm in length. Part of its beauty and singular appeal, he is recognized as the official marine emblem of South Australia.

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I hope that this post like so much as to me, I would like to know your comments and suggestions.

Greetings, we'll be reading.

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