Grow your food at home automatically!

in #english7 years ago


Many of us have had the fantasy of growing our totally organic foods at home and without spending more than we spend in the super market, sounds nice, but most likely we have zero or very little experience to be successful home farmers. Agro Tech Farm has a solution and in 24 hours is launching an ICO to raise the necessary funds to bring it to reality.

Growing food is complicated

Different types of plants require different types of nutrients and different lighting requirements, most people do not have time to manage all this. But even with all the time in the world, you must also spend money to buy, install and manage equipment that controls humidity and temperature levels.

The engineers of Agro Tech Farm have solved all these problems so that ordinary people can start growing organic food at home

No confiar en nadie, cultive sus propios vegetales

Para mejorar su condición los doctores recomendaron a Ilya que comiera alimentos orgánicos, preferiblemente cultivados en su localidad. Rusia sin embargo es un lugar muy frio, y crecer vegetales y frutas por la mayoría del año es virtualmente imposible. Casi todos son importados de Europa.

Por otra parte las distancias son muy largas, mantener un tomate fresco por más de 2000km requiere gran cantidad de químicos.

Como resultado, a Illya le era muy dificil encontrar comida limpia de calidad para el tratamiento de su condición. Ir al supermercado no era la solución, no podía estar seguro de que la comida estuviese 100% libre de ácidos cáusticos.

Do not trust anyone, cultivate your own vegetables

To improve their condition, the doctors recommended that Ilya eat organic foods, preferably grown in her locality. Russia however is a very cold place, and growing vegetables and fruits for most of the year is virtually impossible. Almost all are imported from Europe.

On the other hand the distances are very long, keeping a fresh tomato for more than 2000km requires a lot of chemicals.

As a result, it was very difficult for Illya to find quality clean food for the treatment of her condition. Going to the supermarket was not the solution, I could not be sure that the food was 100% free of caustic acids.

The ATF Grower: From concept to reality

This need is given which makes the ATF homegrower concept emerge, a home appliance that allows you to grow most plants anywhere and any season of the year.

In 2012 Illya meets Akexei Kovnerchuck who was looking for equipment for growing vegetables. They both realized that although they had different reasons, both had the same cause, providing organic vegetables and fruits to the Russian market.

We advance to the present day and AgroTech Homegrower is a functional device with a good design. Illya can now eat 100% organic thanks to its own product and the team is ready to mass produce it. That's why they need investors

source: diariobitcoin


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