Start writing this post is very difficult, I do not know where to start, with a wrinkled heart and very clear goals in crossing the ocean to another continent to achieve a better future for my children in the motherland.

After so many experiences without a doubt I have come to the conclusion that, there are two ways of making decisions in life, one from fear and the other no doubt from love, we decided.
Observe so much deterioration, so much anarchy, so much indolence, so much intolerance, so much radicalism, so much resentment, so much mediocrity, so much hatred, sown and implanted in a society by a state that after 20 years is still perpetuating itself in power thanks to its demagogic strategy and fraudulent populist.
When the crisis of a country reaches historically never before seen indicators and every day these indicators are deepening more and more, the days go by as a country so rich with so many resources and human talent is falling apart, so as a tower of cards is overflowing.

It is time to establish priorities, where we ourselves take a backseat, to place our children in the foreground, where the perspectives of life are based and whose main objective is to make our dreams come true, in order to provide them with a better future promising, opening paths full of learning and success, towards a better future.
It is very sad to think that very soon I will leave a lifetime full of achievements and successes, it is no longer about leaving or staying, it is about fleeing from the abomination and the custom that only communism can impose.
I have always spoken well of Venezuela, the country that saw me born and grow. The country that I love and I am so grateful for having given me everything. I will never speak ill of him, in fact, I am convinced that at some point, I will return to Venezuela to take what I can learn abroad.

Like the first time .... start again ... A new goal ..... A new dream ..... With the suitcase full of hopes, hopes, a sowing that hopes to be harvested, where The fruits that we will collect will be the result of a lot of effort, dedication, sacrifice and teamwork ....
The world belongs to God to no one else, and he is the only one who knows where he wants us to be ...
My Venezuela, forever you will be in my heart ...
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Lo siento .. últimos días he leído muchos artículos sobre crisis in Venezuela ..