Your heart knows how to love?

in #english7 years ago

The situations by which we can get to pass as children, or young people,
family losses , frustrated courtships, stolen / shattered childhood, problems of identity, in short situations that mark our lives can leave us a dry heart sad and lacking love.
It is easy to judge others when they have rough, cruel or indifferent attitudes with other people or with ourselves, but really what is behind them?

The heart or feelings are the most talked about theme in these times, but few seek the root of true Love, the one that takes away pain, sadness, depression, frustration, that gives fullness in our whole being ...

Loving others who love you is simple, but loving the one who has harmed or hurt you?

#Breaking point
All these situations or experiences leave a trace, a wound, a mark, but what happens when the moment arrives where the heart is so broken and can not any more? May love? Can you receive love? This is the point where we are already more selfish, boastful, egocentric, narcissistic, inconsistent.
(Foto Tomada de mi Telefono, Blu Life Play 2)

This weekend when I took this picture I remembered how my heart was 8 years ago ... and I could say that it was already hardened, so dry, broken and desolate like this earth! really without love and without being able to receive love!!

For a child to be touched by a family member in an undue place, it can confuse or frustrate a weak heart ... or possibly have had abusive relationships or even bad friendships end up hardening a heart, and none of this limits the age where you can go through these experiences. What leads to forming attitudes and armor in our lives that end up damaging those who love us or are close to us.

I found the cure

About 7 years ago I met the one who taught me that: If I do not have love, it's no use to speak all the languages ​​of the world, and even the language of the angels. If I do not have love, I am like a loud piece of metal; I am like an out of tune bell! If I do not have love, it does not do me any good to give the poor everything I have. It is useless for me to devote myself body and soul to helping others. 1Corinthians 13: 1 and 3

Can I do everything, but without love it's worth??
And for this I had to learn to forgive, to let myself be healed, to break the heart of stone and let me form a heart of flesh ... In this process I learned that really: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.1 Corinthians 13: 4 -7 Woooooww this is true Love.


I am still learning from this incomparable love .... Love that bears by name: Jesus!


The best doctor, who removes a heart of stone, and places a healthy and loving heart. God bless you. Keep going.

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