The Spirit of the world cup in Venezuela
One of the events of humanity that millions of people enjoy more in life is just the world cup soccer, not only because it is considered by many as the sport King or the most demanding sport being this the simplest of all, the simplest? Yes, you only need a ball or in some cases not a ball as such is needed, because even with a metal soda recipent with some solid filling, a handful of rags or a plastic cluster can represent the same sphere to play, just You need a small group of people and above all willingness to play the sport king.

Venezuela unfortunately has never managed to get the opportunity to enter the largest sporting event in the world as it is the world cup, however until the last soccer world held in Brazil in 2014 the sporting event was lived in all splendor in the Country despite the fact that the economic and political crisis just that year began to radicalize.
Restaurants, bars, squares and clubs broadcast the games and allowed all those who were attracted to enjoy the sport to be reunited, families gathered in their homes wearing the shirts of their favorite team and in a healthy contest that mediates Through the television screen, the attention of the television viewers was focused and in this way, to show who was right of which equipment was the winner. In the streets we enjoyed a sports atmosphere driven by the same phenomenon of the world cup soccer, the fields in the neighborhoods or the streets themselves were witnesses of fabulous soccer matches, but on the eve of starting the World Cup in Russia 2018 this has changed significantly.
source: / User: "Futbol la pasion"
We are in another time in Venezuela where not only the economic crisis and thousands of other problems have overwhelmed us, but also the sports spirit of living the World Cup as our own, being oblivious to celebrate it since we have never participated in this event we have also lost. My generation lived and enjoyed that time of soccer festival, supporting the achievements of others and I share with you a personal experience lived in the 2006 World Cup where it was the winner of the World Cup Italy, Country which I have always enjoyed its soccer tournament and their soccer clubs, because that year (as well as in the previous world championship) I decided to link the Italians as the winning team because I saw more skills and possibilities in them at the soccer level and to my surprise Italy achieved victory !. In my hometown there is an emblematic street where it was customary that fans or fans of any soccer team meet on the site to share with everyone, to drink beers, listen to music and wave the flags of the winning team, that day, a completely fresh Sunday after seeing Italy become the winner after a shootout, we all went out to celebrate on "street 72", more than 2000 people were on the site !!! Waving flags, shouting slogans, the vehicles with the sound system of the moment and the volume to everything to give with the song of the world soccer cup one of Italy 90´s called "Un State Italiana" without any type of governmental organization or some type of control of the bodies of security, the 2000 people gathered there of their own volition created a unique and indescribable festive atmosphere.
Being with my brothers and friends, a group of the Arab community of the city was celebrating the victory of Italy in that same street and in this group there were some people who knew some friends of one of my brothers, They were totally unknown to me and in the middle of the euphoria something happened that until today I still can not explain how it happened ... That group invited us to enjoy Arabic food in a restaurant in the area to all of us who were there disinterested, almost 30 people! That's how those celebrations used to be, it only mattered to have a good time and share healthy.
Unforgettable day, day of many good vibes and days where you shared with others in a disinterested way, days that I hope some day to enjoy again and see how the new generations can also do it.