Separated we are nobody but together we have great strength
As we grow we get characteristics of each person but there are many of those characteristics that we all share. As children we live surrounded by people, cousins, brothers, uncles, our parents mainly, something that as a teenager many of us change for friends, we stop spending long hours with family and now we spend it with our friends, and as an adult we already have the company of our couple or children if it is the case, all this helps us not to feel alone as we grow and to know that there is a person that we import or take into account.
Despite living surrounded by people or being surrounded by them this does not mean that we are united to them, each one has his own lifestyle and his way, but his individual way.
We are not taught to unite as humans and exercise a single force, everyone does what they think, as it seems, and who is able to tell him that his truth is wrong? To this comes the variety of cultures and of course the different ways of thinking we have, which can be a double-edged sword. Thanks to this incapacity that human beings have of union, there are wars, different languages, different gods and many humans exerting forces in different directions.
With the slightest intention to judge and question the wonderful works of my god because I am grateful every morning for allowing me to live one more day, I think one of his mistakes was to give us free will, I think we should have been sheep men under his protection, now We are sheep men but other men like us, and what did we do? We destroy little by little the world itself where we live.
Without trying to take fun of what it is to know new cultures because I must admit that it is, but to try to add fun to the union of all of us as brothers, that we think union, that we proclaim unity.
Cuando la sabiduría y el entendimiento de unión toquen nuestras mentes y notemos que no importa el color, idioma, país o distinción de raza sino que todos somos iguales en el fondo. Cuando realmente los seres humanos podamos unirnos y fijar nuestras fuerzas en una sola dirección seremos imparables, podremos romper el sistema que nos convierte en "hombres ovejas". Cuando tú y yo pensemos igual sin importar distancias no habrá barrera que nos detenga.
At least that's how I think.