Edo in Tokyo4 Amusement-1 (東京の中の江戸4 娯楽-1): For anybody interested in Japan & its history/culture (007E)

in #english7 years ago

Travel like "Isemairi" going to Ise Shrine on behalf of the group of neiboughs
might be the top of amusement in Edo Period, but Government strictly controls
travel to outside Edo, it was not for every people, though gradually control
became loose and later Edo Period, even tour to spa was popular among public.
Apart from travel, more common recreation for people were activities inside
Edo area, as Kabuki, Rakugo(Comic story telling), Sumo-Wrestling and etcetra.
I would like to first write about Kabuki, Nogaku, Yose(Rakugo), Bunraku
(Pappet) and Sumo, refering to the map relating to this subject;
ご紹介したいと思います。 ”旅”は基本禁止だったようですが、伊勢参り等
ここでは旅を除いた娯楽をとり上げます。 第一部は歌舞伎・新歌舞伎、

  1. Kabuki
    You may consider Kabuki as the Japanese Opera, designaed as intangible
    cultural assets. Kabikiza at Ginza or Sinbashi-Enbujyou which mostly play
    modern Kabuki are places to enjoy performance. Especially Kabukiza is directly
    connected with subway Higashi-Ginza station for easy access. At ceiling 4th
    floor gallery, only one-act ticket of 1000~1500yen is available. Also
    you can see the subtitle video in English even at ceiling seats.
    At Shinbashi enbujyho, most performance is so called Super-Kabuki, which are
    newly written modern kabuki.
    新橋演舞場が観劇し易いでしょう。 特に歌舞伎座は地下鉄の東銀座駅と
    歌舞伎座写真駅直結320.JPG 歌舞伎舞台320.jpg
    歌舞伎座字幕英語ガイド320.jpg 歌舞伎イラスト320.jpg

  2. Nougaku
    Nougaku includes mistelic and sophiscated "Nou" and comedic "Kyougen" and in
    Tokyo, you can observe performance only at either Nogakudou, near the Olympic
    Stadium or the National Theater near the house of parliament. You have to
    check the performance dates as they are irregular and seats are limited.
    Ticket of one-act as Kabuki is probably 2000~3000yen according to the length of
    performance, and also is sold on the performance dat at the theater ticket
    counter. At the seat, subtitle video in English is available.
    中央線千駄ヶ谷駅(オリンピック会場と同じ)から5分。 不定期に定例公演・
    企画公演等が行われています。 観劇は2000~3000円程度で、席に英語の字幕
    ガイドが設置されています。 江戸期は猿楽と呼ばれたが、明治以降狂言と
    能楽堂地図320.png 国立能楽堂320.jpeg

  3. Rakugo(Comic story) at Yose(vaudeville)
    Rakugo or Yose has been one of the popular amusement among public since Edo
    Period. Rakugo is comical story telling by masters, talking various characters
     by themselves, in comic tales. You can enjoy Rakugo, Manzai(comic dialogue),
    magic and so forth at Yose halls. Yose halls are in Asakusa-Entertainment Hall,
    in Ueno-Suzumoto and Hirokouji, in Shinjyuku-Suehirotei and in Ikebukuro-Engei
    hall, also National theater occasionally offers Rakugo.
    浅草演芸ホール320.JPG 落語舞台320.png

4)National theater (especially Bunraku-pappet)
Near the House of Parliament, there is the National Theater for performance of
the Japanese traditional arts as Kabuki, Nougaku, Rakugo and etcetra. Bunraku,
Japanese pappet can be seen probably only here in Tokyo. You have to check the
schedule as performance of each day changes. Location of the theater is shown
on the map and the nearest way is from Nagatacho Station of subway. One-act
ticket of Bunraku is available on the day of performance, similar to Kabuki,
which is 1000 yen if performance time is one hour, though the number of the
seats is limited.
提供されています。 有楽町線永田町駅又は半蔵門線半蔵門駅から10分以内の
距離です。 文楽は特別な劇場で、年に数週間単位で数回行われます。 

5)Sumou-wrestling: Kokugikan
Ryougoku-Kokugikan is the mecca of Sumou, located at Ryougoku station of JR
Soubu Line. Light green roof is the feature of the building and inside there
is the "Dohyou-ring" at the center of stadium, surrounde by Masu seats(4 seats
 of tatami) and individual seats.
Usually, games are held in January, May and September while in other months,
they go to local cities for performances. In the last row, individual seats
are sold at 2200 yen, at stadium ticket place on the game day.
Game starts about 9 o'clock in the morning, and junior game starts two o'clock
and the top rank games starts three-thirty every day.
両国国技館は相撲のメッカです。 隅田川東岸、JR総武線両国駅前にあり、
緑の屋根が特徴です。 1月・5月・9月に東京場所があり、最後部の椅子席が、
当日券のみだが2200円で提供される。 場所のある日は通常朝9時前から
国技館写真320.jpg 相撲画像ー白鵬土俵入り320.jpg

To be continued to the next post, Amusement -2.

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