Edo in Tokyo-3-"Festival";東京の中の江戸‐3‐”祭り”:For anybody interested in Japan & its history/culture (006E)

in #english7 years ago

Edo three major festivals are Fukagawa, Kanda and Sannou-festival,
respectively of "TomiokaHachimanguu" in Fukagawa, "KandaMyoujin" in Kanda and
"HiedaShrine" in Akasaka. Sansya-festival of Asakusa is considered appositive.
Maturi-Festival is the prayer and ritual of Shintou and
Buddhism. Matsuri has an amusement factor, however I think, Shinto and
Buddhisum among Japanese as well as our respect to Emperor might be the basis of
the stability of the society, and Matsuri from Edo Period have been the energy
and passion of religeous feeling of public and society.
祭りは神仏への祈り・願いの儀式です。 神仏への祈り・祈願と皇室への尊敬は
日本の社会の安定の基盤ではないかと思われます。 勿論祭りは娯楽の要素も

1)Fukagawa Festival
Festival of Fukagawa Tomioka Hachimanguu, carried out in August, when the sun
is so hot that people shouldering Mikoshi need to have water, causing crowd
splash them water and the festival is called "Splashing Festival".
Once every 3 years is the major festival, when the shrine's float parades
from the shrine to Hakozakicho some 70km, The record shows 54 "Mikoshi-
Portable Shrines" of each town in this area showed up in the history.
水を掛ける”水掛け祭り”と呼ばれる。 3年に一度は八幡宮の御鳳輩が渡御を行う
深川祭りー水かけ320.jpg 富岡八幡宮320.jpg

2)Sansya Festival
In May, Sansha Festival of Asakusa Shrine is held, using the old name of the
shrine, "Sansha Myoujin or Sansha Daigongen". "Binzasara Dance" since
Muromachi Period is famous as a traditional beauty.
三社祭り320.jpg 浅草神社320.jpg びんざさら舞320.jpg

3)Kanda Festival
Festival of Kanda Myoujin (Shrine) is also carried out in May in the odd year
of Anno Domini, while in the even year has Sannou Festival though in June.
As Kanda Myoujin was the guardian of Edo, it was supported by Edo Government,
Tokugawa family, so the festival was very gorgeous having float and matrix of
people wearing ancient costume Heian Period and so forth. However now Mikoshi
of the shrine and each district are the main subject of the festival.
The Mikoshi starts the shrine in the morning moving to Nihonbashi area
accompanied by Heian custume people and shrine maiden and in the afternoon,
float and warrior matrix join to come back to the shrine. In the next day,
Mikoshi (portable shrine) of each district moves in their own area, partly
moving into the shrine.
神田明神の祭りで5月に行われる。 神田明神が江戸の守護神とされ、昔は
神田祭一宮320.jpg 神田明神320.jpg

4)Sannou Festival
Used to be the one allowed to go into the Edo Castle on the way to move
around the large area between Akasaka and Nihonbashi, but now it is only
same as Kanda Festival in June of the even year, using mainly Mikoshi.
山王祭り神輿宮入320.jpg 日枝神社320.jpeg

As above, Kanda and Sannou festival were more supported by Edo Govenment and
Tokugawea family and Fukagawa and Sansha festival were rather public oriented
ones in the past, However, now all of the festivals are important factor of
"Edo's flavor" kept in the modern Tokyo.
Festival are held once a year and only a few days therefore it is extremely
difficult to be there at festival time, but I would like to suggest that you
visit the shrines which may show the records and pictures of festivals and
apart from festivals, shrines themselves are the essence of Japanese culture
through our history.
香りを残す、貴重な祭りとなっている。 尚、祭りは隔年だったり、年にほんの数日の催しなので、

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