♥♥♥How to make a girl fall in love with you♥♥♥
Hello, I greet you esteemed and insecure friend of low self-esteem, today I bring you several tips that are sure to help you to conquer that girl who takes you so much sleep.
First, get rid of the silly saying that you do not have to understand women, you have to love them, in this case that does not apply, women are equal to men, much simpler and I explain to you how:
♥Chemistry enters through the window♥
Yes! Just as you read it, forget about sentimentality, women also delight with masculine forms, arms well turned back and chest wide, neither very nor so, depends on the tastes of each woman, but otherwise, there is no better impression that the way of dressing, you do not need branded clothes or walk always concocted, you can be yourself but always with neat clothes and good taste to wear, you will not interact with her looking like a crawling bug. The shaving and haircut also has a great influence, always try to look as neat as possible and manly.

♥The intoxicating smell of a good perfume♥
This tips goes hand in hand with the first and is part of the key to SUCCESS. If something I can assure you is that you can drug a woman without using narcotics with a good perfume, women are very sensitive and believe me that this activates our pheromones more than the costumes, if you do not manage to attract it with these first two tips believe me that less will you linger in your memories every time she perceives in another man the scent of your perfume, of course choose a good perfume, not one that makes you remember with the likes of an old man or associates you with a gorilla camp.

** ♥ Verbal and emotional security ♥ **
One tips VERY IMPORTANT is the way you talk. The pronunciation of the words and your way of speaking says a lot about you and your values in the home, if you are a badly spoken, rude person and you adopted or were brought up with bad gestures and bad words, you will not even talk to them until do not change that lexicon unless the girl expresses the same as you and well in that case the two would be perfectly understood and probably the previous tips are not necessary.
It is important to be sure of yourself and what you know, take advantage of the things you are good at and generate conversation topics that distract you, EYE, with care, not fall into the sin of the ego, that is not at all attractive the "YO-ME and ME", try rather to give informative tips of what you do, more as teaching than self-centeredness
You must take into account that if you are not the type of man of futuristic vision and rested to execute any kind of decent work in order to get ahead then you better start changing at once and forever that way of thinking or preferably do not dream of approaching you, we women like a low profile know-it-all but who shows ability to work too and who is constantly looking for alternatives to execute their life projects, because if she is a " WOMEN-XXI CENTURY "will not want to be next to a cod or someone who can at times frustrate their dreams and projects, but instead like a man who can not be limited to build an empire.

** ♥ Make yourself wish ♥**
After you have completed the first 3 steps and you are sure that the fish has sniffed your hook, RETIRATE !, not too much because it will be dangerous, but make yourself wish, make it curious, do not go too good first to tell you the story of your life and everything you feel for it, or the empalagues every night and every morning with eternal and long good night and good morning. Maintain distance let her come, ask you questions, ask what will become of you and your boring life without her, of course you only know that, and when you answer, do not be so dry, you know how to throw a rose subtly, you will not notice that you are desperate to love her but that you feel that you are there for her

** ♥ We can be happy with little things ♥ **
After the last step it will be up to you to know how to handle the situation and take it to your networks as briefly but without despair as possible, there you defend yourself, but it is important to give you another piece of advice, men have no idea how happy they can make a woman with a small detail, I explain something: the fact that you can make a woman keep the wrapper of some chocolate or candy that gives you makes you great, that simple gesture of your part will make you dream awake with that wrap, women are like cats, everything gives us curiosity and we attract small things (especially if it shines haha). On the other hand, it is not necessary the flower bouquet, sometimes a simple flower of those newly cut on the way to your home or your work or place of study, a cayenne, a daisy or a dahlia, those gestures sometimes fall in love more than the words.

Treat her like what we are, Princesses !!! (Yes! I include myself.-) Be gentle with her, as if any bad gesture were to break her, because when a woman gives you her heart you will be her hero to her, before any circumstance and forever even after finishing the relationship.
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"But you will always be my hero even though you lost your reason" <c / enter> * * Love the way you lie-Rihanna *