Indecision, are we indecisive about our personality?
Indecision, are we indecisive about our personality?

What is indecision?
Indecision is the lack of determination in a situation. It is the difficulty to make decisions reliably, safely and calmly.
There are people to whom situations as simple as what clothes to wear, what food to cook, what television program to watch, etc., produce a certain degree of blockage and anxiety, these are the most extreme cases. Is that your case? But for its defense there are experts who think that indecision can be linked at times to the personality traits of each one.
Are we indecisive about our personality?
Even though indecision is simply a bad habit, it goes far beyond that, it has a psychological explanation that is intimately linked to the predominant personality in each one of us. There are 4 personalities and they are universal, these are divided into 2 blocks by introverts (melancholic, phlegmatic) and extroverts (blood and choleric). The personalities are totally different, they are like fingerprints, nobody has a personality identical to another. A human can have a combination of several personalities or even a board of all of them, but there will always be a predominant one.

The easiest prey for indecision are people with a melancholic personality, its weak point is undoubtedly what has made civilization advance in an accelerated manner. The melancholic people are usually: analytical, self-denying, disciplined, ordered and perfectionists. They need to be fully sure that the decision they are going to make is the most accurate, they begin to evaluate any possibility or negative situation that might occur with each decision, what they do not notice is that while they are thinking about each scenario, time passes and they they find themselves submerged in a "paralytic coma of analysis", wrapped in a state of indecision for fear of losing control of the situation, in an extreme case they may fall into depression for something that is simply happening in an imaginary and uncertain future. because they are evaluating making a decision.

The phlegmatic are the most balanced and pleasant personality that exists, it is difficult to see them angry, they do not like problems, they always try to mediate, they are slow and lazy (literally) and unlike the melancholic ones who love being in control, phlegmatics flow with life. They prefer to live a happy, pleasurable and without stridency existence to the point that they get involved in life as little as they can. Making a decision for a phlegmatic is not a problem, what makes them a little hesitant is to acquire the commitment that comes with each decision because the less things they have to do, the happier and freer they feel.

Have you already discovered if you are undecided by your personality or not yet? If you did not identify with any of these two personalities, get comfortable and relax because this does not end. I can not ignore a personality that loves to be the center of attention, it is those warm, happy, vivacious people who enjoy life whenever possible: the sanguine, which unlike the melancholic in them does not exist the word indecision they have a "yes" for each proposal, the problem is that after that "yes" more you will never see them because they are out of focus, they are in everything, but they do not specify anything.

And finally there are people with angry personality who tend to be determined and firm opinions (both for himself and for other people). They are agile people making decisions and determined to such an extent that they take each decision to its ultimate consequences.

The types of personalities are usually flexible and take root according to their upbringing, habits (which can be modified voluntarily). They can be hereditary, or simply part of the culture for example: in Latin America the predominant personalities are extroverts but on the other side of the world, in Asia, introverts reign in society.
What to do to face indecision?
Now that you know that being undecided can be linked to personality you should also know that you should not be extremist. When a person is indecisive to the extreme and thinks a lot about what can happen he loses time and may end up wasting an important opportunity (a job, the ideal partner, a business, etc.), but when a person decides lightly (without think about the consequences) can also be harmful. It is advisable then to stay at a midpoint and to achieve it here I leave some small tips that work for me:

- Identify your real goal: ask yourself what you really want to get when you make a decision.
Whenever we face a decision, there is an interest in something that we want to obtain. For example, if you want to change your home, your real goal could be to improve your economic conditions. Suddenly you see that there is a good job offer where you are going to generate more money and you meet all the requirements, then you ask yourself: do I stay in this job or do I risk and try with that?
- Make a comparative table the pros and cons: list the advantages and benefits you can have and compare them with the disadvantages and disadvantages that such a decision may generate.
- Select the most realistic option: Choose the option that has the best chance to attract your life to your real goal.
If possible you should be agile, indecision is suspicious, knows perfectly what the weak point of each person is whatever the personality and patiently awaits the perfect moment to attack.
See you on another occasion friends and remember that:
Indecision is the thief of opportunity.
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Good work. Agreed. Got to make decisions in life at key moments to get things done. Do the best you can each moment, each step, each day, the best you can, the most you can, in the moment, focus, and do it.
Thank you.
That is right, always we have to do our best, It is all or nothing.
Awesome. You got it right. How are you?