Voracious Consumer

in #english6 years ago


The individual as a social being needs to live in community, this implies communication with other men, this communication is made using all their senses, this brings as a consequence, a language, so to each sense corresponds a use of the language, if the sender goes In the ear of the receiver, he would be using an auditory language, if in sight a visual language. If it is directed to the touch, it would be a tactile language, as well as smell an olfactory language, if at taste, it would be gustatory sensory language, all these media use them to inform or to inform themselves, to discuss, study, demonstrate their emotions, feelings, states of encouragement, that is, to communicate with their peers, according to their needs and interests, the most used languages ​​are the auditory and the visual, here, we find the language of the gesture or mimicry, with that of images such as the signs, the symbols, the music, and among others, and finally the most used of all the auditory and visual, which allows you to express yourself not only verbally but through writing and the word, this advertising language , has several manifestations before the * IMAGE * that the * Represents * before one of the most voracious consumers * The Man *. which is the main objective in this post.
In this same order of ideas and the meaning of what you want to express the Stemistas in this post. The big * CHAINS OF COMMERCE *, worldwide, where free trade prevails, which is understood as the set of intermediaries involved in the commercialization of a consumer good, which the product is essential for it to arrive opportunely until the consumer, in order to satisfy his need. How to call the consumer? The channel or means used by these large chains of commerce to impose their purpose before the voracious consumer, can be direct, using the language of symbols through an image that represents it. The * C.C *, will use continuously with its like, * voracious consumer *, this for him, is a vital necessity, for which it is reciprocal since the * c c * transmitter transmits by means of a code that is captured by a receiver or listener; consumer (s) these receptors are transformed in turn into transmitter transmitting their message to others, responding to the new listener, then we can say that the * CC "sender of the message achieves the ultimate goal of convincing the recipient to do so the act to consume.

The channel or means used by Las * CC * to reach its final objective of incentive to consumption, can be direct using audiovisual media of this post modern era, through television advertising, radio and this Internet medium, through the representation of videos, writings, objects, symbols and things, and even the image of women as a sexual symbol, in order to manipulate their senses to attract the voracious consumer to consume. All these means are used to inform and captivate the five (5) senses of the * voracious consumer *, reaching their emotional state of mind, that is to encourage the consumption of money purchases of: "Food, clothing and objects and even physiological sexual needs. How do The * C.C *? According to the merchant experts, there are things that man will never stop doing, "eat, dress, drink; and make use of your basic natural needs. Based on this, their sales expectations are based. For this some examples: In the case of the big chains of sales of meals of restaurants and franchises. How do they do to stimulate the consumer?
In this case they do it by encouraging the sense of visualization-smell of the consumer, through the image of advertising, but using more the natural smell of food, this makes the voracious consumer come in and ask for food and once is encouraged and In this case, the sense of taste that leads to the consumption of food operates. For example, in another case very sensitive to the mind, we also find the image called intellectual representations, which refer to an object, also called image sensitive representations: When I think of a vehicle, I have universal characteristics of that object, without taking in account its characteristics, its model, size, color, year, but the Las * CC *, in its sales experience, this object already represented in the voracious consumer's mind, associates it with the image of a sexual symbol of the woman in intimate clothes, which makes its psychological effect of imagination to encourage consumers to buy. An essential element for sales, has to do with the power of the word through care and treatment, which sellers have to know how to use, to produce emotions in consumers, which is accompanied with sales strategies.

There are other promotional techniques represented by the image for consumer sales, which once applied are worth their weight in gold, these are: The promotion of this technique is always accompanied by stimuli that influence the senses of the voracious consumer, as they are. : colors, smells, sounds, words, gestures and * express notices allusive the image of the product to promote, to draw attention * Some examples. * there are many people making money * easily every week Would you like to make money with your house while you are away?

The colors are very important when it comes to drawing attention to * c v *. At the time of making a purchase of clothes, dresses, shoes, the main attraction of the consumer, they do it by visualizing colors, "factor that never fails", are the most attractive in a greater percentage, compared to a lower percentage that is fixed in the texture, what could be affirmed that the color of the producer is the main reason what it takes to acquire it. Color is something that is directly related to the brand of the product and increases its recognition, it is important to know that each color can attract a type of consumer, which would generate greater sales.
In this Post Modern era, there are techniques used by the big chains of commerce., Consequently, so to obtain new clients for the consumption or to keep them existing and you are thinking how to increase your sales, you will not have problems in thinking about a promotion strategy to achieve your goals. Colors. For the design of a product, it is important to take into account the color that is going to be used and what appreciation can have for the consumer, the most attractive colors that can be related to the different tastes of the consumers, are the following:. Yellow: optimism and youth, it is used in children's clothing. . Blue. Sensation of confidence and security, is observed in companies and banks. . Green. It is associated with nature, harmony. . Purple. Sensation of calm and tranquility, is used a lot in cosmetic beauty products. . Orange: It is an aggressive color, it is used today a lot in shoes, in videos to attract attention. . Black: Strong color, used in luxury clothing items. . El Rosa: It is a romantic and feminine color, very special for the use of women and girls. The smells. In this case purchases will be made by food, cooked, such as chicken, meat, fish, quality, type of dish and the combination on plate, strategies used by merchants to encourage consumers when making their purchases , especially when it comes to holidays and Christmas times. [Source] "A team of researchers from the Washington State University (USA) has carried out a study to scientifically prove what type of smell incites us to consume.
The results of the research, which is published in the Journal of Retailing, reveal that the simplest scents, although not as good as other more complex ones, are those that push us to buy without measure. To prove it, they created two types of fragrances: a very simple perfume with an orange smell, and another that mixed the orange with basil and green tea. The scientists compared the purchases made in a house of decorations based on the fragrance that is breathed in the environment: the simple perfume, the complex, and in absolute absence of smells. Indeed, when the air contained the simplest aroma, the volume of purchases was significantly higher than in the rest of the cases.

In addition, the researchers conducted a series of experiments in which several university students had to solve problems in different odor conditions. The results showed that the participants solved more problems and in less time when the smell of the air was simple that when it was complex or there was no smell in the environment. "The simple aroma," the scientists explain, "has helped to increase the ease with which one can cognitively process an olfactory signal." The conclusion is that a smell pleasant to the consumer's nose, makes you feel pleasantly well and want to enjoy, taste the food that emits that smell, this being one of the most effective methods to encourage consumption.

To finalize this post, in this case it goes to the retailers of the retail chains, all the marketable products reflect an idea, which is the objective of what you want to sell to consumers, clothes, food, beverages, within their needs, what constitute the three essential elements in the consumer's need and that the seller must never forget.

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