in #english6 years ago

What does the Bible say about this ...?

EVEN SO CAN YOU ASK: How good are the tips of the bible? To find the answer, think of the worst problems facing humanity. Which are the most frightening? Maybe you think about war, pollution, violence or corruption. Now analyze some basic Bible teachings and, in doing so, ask yourself, will the world be better if we all abide by these biblical values?
In this world today, there are many people who think that the way to change the world is acting under lies, selfishness, greed in their eagerness for power and money, acting in this way our world will not change, otherwise we will go backwards and from bad to worse, but unfortunately people like this, falling in the low passions of the anti-values; Every day sadly it is seen with astonishment that, friends, people who grew up, studied, together, older and younger, who were always recognized as people of good principles, well educated, of high and low social status, who made riches by working and producing, who set a good example for their children, today they are separated and enmityed by this great evil that afflicts the whole world, which is why love between human beings, paternal affection, children, brothers and families has been lost. As an effect of this consequence, we see that people, families, institutions, governments, influenced by this evil, are the opposites of what they preach or preach, in violation of their own laws and principles, we find their expressions of bad professionals, which offend, denigrate, lie, omit the bad behavior of man, allow others to manipulate their actions and emotions leading them to the sin of committing crimes, (the eye for an eye, the tooth for a tooth). For this reason we have to love the truth, "because it frees us from the lie", we can NOT say something we do not practice, we call to reflection without fear to those who know that they do not practice the truth, because we would be falling into the "" LA DOUBLE MORAL ", executing good actions only for appearance, forgetting that the essence of that action is LOVE for the neighbor.
Consequently, antagonistically, what the Bible tells us about these anti-values. THE VALUES WE NEED TODAY. LOVE TO PEACE Blessed are the peacemakers, since they will be called children of God. (Mat 5: 9) If possible, when it depends on you, be peaceful with all men. Romans 12:18.
Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy Matthew 5: 7. Continue supporting each other and freely forgiving one another if one has cause for complaint against another. As Jehovah freely I forgive you, so also do you, Col. 3:13.


Acts 17:26. And of one blood He has made all the lineage of men, so that they may dwell on all the face of the earth; and he has fixed them the order of time, and the limits of their rooms. God is partial, but, in every nation, he who fears and acts justice is accepted. Acts 10:34.

Keep all sorts of greed, because to save all kinds of greed, because even when you have in abundance, your life does not result from the things you have. Luke 12:15. Let fornication and filth of every kind, or avidity, not even be mentioned among you, as is proper to saintly persons. Ephesians 5: 3

Jehovah God proceeded to take man and establish him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and care for him. God will cause the ruin of those who are ruining the earth. Apocalysis 11:18

We want to behave honestly in all things. Hebrews 13:18. The one who stole, no longer steals, but works, doing with his hands what is good, so that he has to share with the needy. Ephesians 4:28

Speak comfortingly to the dejected souls, give your support to the weak, have great patience for all. 1Tesal 5:14 We must take care of orphans and widows in their tribulation. James 1:27. The Bible does not limit itself to enumerating these values, it teaches us to appreciate them and to rule always by them. If more people had them, do not you think that would have a direct effect on the problems of humanity? In fact, biblical advice is now more useful and timely than ever. But, what can the bible do? To change man to be more just, to live in a better Society, to live in holiness, in communion with God, if we are really to be governed by these biblical principles, we would have a better world.



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