Presentation (English)

in #english6 years ago

Current photo with some of my friends.

My name is Aldhair, I was born in the city of Cumaná in the republic of Venezuela in 1996, I was always from a poor family with limited resources, I spent all my childhood living not in my hometown, but in the town of Carrizal, adjacent to the great town of Cariaco, there I did all my childhood life, great friends, my first years in school << Up to the fourth grade at least >> Not having the resources to have a computer, cable TV, or a videogame console , my escape and my only method of entertainment "when I was not with my friends" was simply and simply a pencil, some colors and a white sheet or notebook, always drawing, in fact, drawing since I can remember, my childhood was fun yes, but also a bit difficult, I was a very fat boy and although I had no complex with that, everyone in the town made me hate as I was, and that is that except for my closest friends, everyone made fun of me, of my apar of my body which I did not ask to have.

Before crossing to the fourth grade of elementary school we were evicted from the house, lived in a rented house, so we had to move suddenly to Cumaná, luckily with a great effort and the savings of my father, who was a soccer player " there the name that I have "we could rent something else, my mother was the only person with a formal job, she was a teacher, my father had stopped studying so that my mother graduated, and once in Cumaná already installed, it was that my father He returned to his studies and became a professional, now both were teachers, in turn, my mother did a post degree that would improve our economic situation "or so we hoped" In Cumana I made many friends, at school where I really did not do many but one of the first ones I met talking about supernatural themes and caricatures was Elio Rosas, who until the sun today would carry the title of my best friend, although I really feel that I do not have a best friend, Each friend is so important to me that I simply love everyone equally, but I am his best friend and I feel I should give him back the same way, my life was made in a neighborhood, the Bolivarian neighborhood to be exact, I made myself with many friends of my age and some a little bigger, but all contemporaries in order to account, I do not really know how we became friends but it was going to get hooked, we were from two different worlds, although I was an anime addict and just I listened to rock music, they were more of going to parties and listening to reggaeton. But we fell so well, that just when we saw the face was pure laugh, joke and play the fool. In my house we always made meetings to watch movies and eat popcorn, in those times before we realized that the country would end as it is today, I always provided food and drinks to my friends, I never missed the one who was going to eat and with a smile in the mouth I prepared something, because yes, I love cooking, I have always loved to cook, I love it as much as drawing.

A photo with my friend Elio Rosas.

I do not remember that in Cumana someone made fun of me for being fat, but the wounds were so marked that at that age I started to make an extreme diet. He ate only once a day "During the middle of the day" he drank 4 to 6 liters of water during that day "I found out later that it was dangerous, but fortunately nothing bad happened to me", always, every day I did some exercises, "Push-ups, weights, etc." I do not know how long it took me to lose my grip, but when I could already feel comfortable with my body I started doing something I had never done and that I hated, I took a what another picture.

The first photo I went up without being embarrassed.

During my years in high school the art never stopped making presence, I remember jocularly that they called me Naruto, since I always kept talking about the anime in question, there was not a day when I did not draw in my notebook a Naruto, an inuyasha or any anime character of my liking. But the legacy that I left in that high school was a mural by Antonio José de sucre that I made with cold paint and that even today's sun, despite the years, continues to be reflected on that wall.

Hand drawing of Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda, made with cold paint.

Once I graduated from high school at "El Mariscal Sucre" in La Llanada, I did not waste time and went to study pure physics at the Universidad de Oriente, I remember studying that race monstrously difficult because my father told me that there he could draw "I lied xD" after many numbers and bad grades, I decided to leave, during that period I met a goal that as a child I always wanted to do, let my hair grow.

Aldhair with long hair.

During that period in the Universidad de Oriente, before moving to other university, I was experimenting with digital drawing, I used the paint tool sai software, there until the sun today I was drawing and as most Venezuelans I never had money to buy me a graphic table, however I think I'm not that bad even though I draw as a mouse and many, many vectors xD

001 color.png
Drawing of my cat-like person, drawn with mouse in SAI.

It would be cruel if I do not mention it is part of my life, I am a geek of the cards, since I was a child, since I lived in Cariaco my older brother "my idol" taught me to play Yugioh! And I have always loved the card games of that type, to this day, I play professionally Yugioh, I play Magic the gathering although I am not a professional if I can say that I am a very good player, vanguard game, that although little known is pitifully I returned one of my favorite board games, I also try to bring to life the pokemon TCG.

Photo of me licking my favorite card.

New beginning, I enrolled in the UNEFA for its acronym "National Polytechnic Experimental University of the Armed Forces" there until now, I'm still studying Telecommunications Engineering, ironically what hurt me most was the fact of cutting my hair again, "university military already know "But aside, I had a romance of two years during my adolescence with a nice girl named Maria Gabriela, were by definition, a fairytale year and another year of pain and sorrow, our relationship became toxic, perhaps it was for his indifference, maybe it was because I am very melodramatic, maybe it was because we could never see each other, she lived in Valencia and I in Cumana, very separate cities and neither of us had the money or the age to go see the other, despite that the outcome was hard and I leave a thorn in my heart that never closed, I left with the time to be so cheeky and try again, There was a girl I knew for a long time ho, I always thought it was nice but up there, at some point during Facebook we became good friends, brothers in fact, that's what we called ourselves, the name of that girl was María Alejandra, at some point and I'll never know why, I started to think attractive and nice, he noticed me and without disguising wanted to start a relationship with me. By that time, my heart was quite muffled so that I would like to feel another heat from mine, so I rejected it, one, another and a thousand times, many months had to pass so that so many attempts, so much dedication penetrated my shell and I said to myself "Someone who has dedicated so much for me, has to be worth it" and I did not accept it, but I said, "let's try it".
Eventually I accepted it, because not only did I win it, but it proved to be a better girlfriend than I am as a boyfriend, and here we are after more than 4 years as a couple and more than 5 years of knowing each other.

Photo with my girlfriend María Alejandra.

Since I have been with her I have been more extroverted, we have both improved as people, we have matured as individuals and we have realized that the only thing that matters is the one or the other, everything else can go after. We have done cosplay, we have drawn together, we have danced awkwardly, we have laughed for any idiocy, we always watch movies, we watch the anime series together. And of course, at the beginning it was difficult, no couple is perfect and we had a thousand and one quarrels, we argued over any rubbish, but now, we just laugh and bother the other one who feels bad until he eventually smiles again, she does not remember, but that's how he met me, only that neither of us knew we would end up together.

Maria (Allucard) pointing me with her gun.

Omitting many things in my life, such as the immense bond I have with my older brother, my season as a skater and longboarder, when I tried parkour, when I went to parties and drank alcohol, when I worked in a mechanic shop, and many anecdotes that they are just to remember them ... Today, I am just a boy who loves to cook, loves to write, loves to draw, who tries to be a better person than others do not comment on the same mistakes you do, who do not give your life to sadness and just live the moment.

Photo with my girlfriend doing cosplay of Deathstroke and Deadpool.

I spent my whole life playing Rakion in front of a computer, drawing and laughing with my comrades, I never had to do anything bad. And today, the only thing I regret is having spent so many unnecessary sorrows, life is one and our story always continues to be written.

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