What do England and the US have in common today 13 years after the illegal Iraq war?
Except for the fact that both are persecuting WikiLeaks for exposing their war crimes in Iraq & Afghanistan, both are now actively trying to pardon and grant amnesty to those war criminals and set them loose upon society.
Now, this sort of thing is not uncommon in the US, and we all know what it leads to.
Timothy McVeigh, possibly the most ignored case of them all, was not a "government tool" or any of that other deluded conspiracy talk. He was a soldier during the first war in Iraq where he and others BURIED Iraqis alive and got awarded medals for their "honorable service defending their country".
But when these traumatized psychopathic individuals continue their "bravery" at home, they become "terrorists" and al sorts of stories about inside job, part-time job or whatever start flying around. Completely ignoring the core cause and reason for the horrendous bombings and mass killings in the US.
The English people must do whatever they can to not become like this. Withdrawing from the ECHR and granting amnesty to these war criminals does not solve ANYTHING. Persecuting the ones who exposed war crimes does not solve ANYTHING. If you think it does, try to explain how the world is more transparent and safe, while the only ones involved in this savage killing of innocent civilians, children and journalists, are the 2 people who exposed this crime to the world, and the ones committing the cold blooded murders, are roaming around free.
#FreeAssange #FreeManning