SAY NO to Technology ?

in #engineering6 years ago (edited)

Today I want to share a little opinion about technology, hopefully useful are we still saying no to Technology?

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Technology was created to facilitate human life. In the various joints of our lives facilitated by the presence of technology. Technology is the result of human engineering to facilitate the process of human life or the overall means for human survival in the form of facilities and infrastructure. Read. From the joints of life we ​​see a significant development. In the field of machinery we can see almost every day changes occur. In the field of digital technology is also not lost.


The technology is present as we exist, technology is empowered because of the intelligence of mankind. Starting from the creation of aids to meet our basic needs, to the things that are not visible.
Some of us consciously or not still consider taboos with technology, especially those we feel beyond the reach of our thinking. So there is a term gagab technology. Something we have to change our mindset now. The presence of something new requires us to think and ask ourselves. What's wrong with the item. Do not immediately we reject just because of our ignorance.

Here we must be observant because we were born in the pre-digital era, so when entering the age of digital millennia we have to resposif, otherwise we will be left behind. Just look at today's children who are more adept at playing technological devices than we do. they are faster to update something, within minutes they are able to know the latest things around us or from the outside world.

Let us open ourselves, learn to the young when we do not understand that technology does not make us as a tool, but rather technology as a tool of us.

When the ease is created but we can not use it, Unknowingly we have become part of the people zaman Old.

Take advantage of Technology Wisely and do not be allergic, so you will be the ones who are ready to live in the days of Now

This is my opinion today, let's be a smart individual in the millenial.

Thank to visit to my blog





pokok jih sep mantap ka lawet nyoe

nyo gawatthat komen..hana pat tabalah. lage keneng soal integral lapis dua u wateuh teuh.

When we doing it, no steem and no money pak @muhammadabi 😂

mantap aju. keren pak dosen @muhammadabi

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