Simple irrigation channels with volumes I have calculated with the facts on the job field
before that I will explain about this irrigation network purpose is to to better understand about channel which I will explain this, so that when there is a time to see and read its better understand its direction.
an irrigation network shall be a channel or auxiliary building which constitutes a unity which will be in need of water supply, distribution, use, renewal, use and disposal of irrigation water.
as for the reason why we should understand it because at the time when to plan this irrigation channel we must first know the width of the area to be built and its utilization, and we also have to know the vulnerability level of the good needs of the water from the river which we consider the main water source, after that we also need to know the water debit that will be needed for the needs of agricultural areas and others.
but here I focus more on the building for its secondary channel, because what I will explain this is the fact of the field.
this secondary channel building is a building that holds and receives water from the primary ducts to accommodate and to drain the water into the tertiary canal so that it can quickly and easily, there may be some words of Primary, Skunder and Tertiary Channels is very closely related to but the problem of this relationship will I explain later on. because here poko problem that I will describe here is About Building Irrigation Channel.
I will try to settle one case in a simple channel for irrigation ie khusu in Kematan sawang area of north aceh, ACEH Province. the channel coincidence of its supervisory team is my own, therefore it can be a case of calculation for the building of this irrigation canal.

- and besides this is the same formula as the above, but the difference is only in multiplication of the length of the channel, therefore I intentionally do not multiply the multiplication with the length of the channel because in order to facilitate if we know the area of the cross section, after we know the number of meters of cross-sectional area wide area of the meter for the channel, then it is easy for us to multiplication with the total length, so that we can the number of Meter Cubic and we can know the volume of its concrete.
Below I will calculate the volume requirement of concrete for irrigation channel
- the settlement is;
- the length of the irrigation channel P = 100 meters

this is the drawing guideline for me to calculate a concrete volume on the irrigation, this it image I just created so that for those of you who see it better understand and there are pictures for the calculation of the volume there beside him too, because I have calculated automatically by using Excel microsoff so that we are easier and faster to calculate it there you can see the image and its volume calculation, but there I have not done multiplication with meter length of channel. besides this you try to see from picture A above that it is the calculation of cross-sectional area in the channel and picture B it shows for the calculation of the area outside the cross section, but the picture B on the above is what I will count, for picture A is just for ease and how fast I reduce the volume that is not necessary, and after I reduce the area in the I can know how much the volume of concrete for this irrigation channel.

here are some a pictures that I have created and complete with size and description function
and after you see all the calculations and images above, then below there are some photos that have been done in the field

By. @aguess

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