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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

I knew I was lagging behind you, @lynncoyle1. I don't think I could have caught up even if I had put all my effort into it. You must get off to great starts on Sunday and Monday. I think I'm going to have to start sending an ice cream truck by your house every day. Then you'll always be going out to get tasty treats, and I'll have more time to catch up on engaging. :P


hahaha you've figured out my Achilles heel !!! Please not the ice cream trucks ;)

Congratulations to you too !!

I'm all about that dulce de leche! :) And you can take it to the beach!

@themanwithnoname is apparently also themanwithmuchpower if you can manage to send ice cream trucks around. If such is the case, then I'd like to see some my way, too, please. I have people here who can get the ice cream for me and I think I can still type with one hand while I eat my icecream with the other.

Right? I must have connections all over the place to be able to pull that off. I'd love to send you some ice cream, buddy. I don't have any trucks in the area though. I only have the one and dispatched it to Mexico. It won't arrive until later this week. Maybe I can get it to swing by your place on the way back. :)

Okay, so just one truck. No worries. If it does it's job and actually manages to distract @lynncoyle1, who am I to get in the way of such a magnificently thought out and executed plan. The problem is, you'll need to send one to the UK so you can also distract the other queen of comments (@gillianpearce), although I think you might have to throw in some bakery goods like Cornish pastries for good measure. :)

Yeah, just the one... plus that fleet that are "occupied." (I don't actually know what I mean here, just trying to sound mysterious.)

Oooh, I have a better idea. I'm going to fund raise to get gillian a plane ticket to visit lynn. They'll be so busy talking with each other (and eating ice cream) that they won't have time to post... That or they'll actually see the other person posting, and that will motivate them even more to commenting. Who knows?!

There's always the chance that the plan could backfire. If they're anything like my wife, and I suspect most women, they'll be able to talk up a storm, eat ice cream, and comment and post while lounging at the beach or watching a video.

Me, I'm a one task at a time kind of guy, unless I'm using technology that does it for me, so pounding out a comment while I'm eating would be possible, just slow. However, with me, the ice cream would help me to comment up a storm later after it was thoroughly enjoyed and consumed. Which may also be another point of backfiring with the ladies in question if you're not careful.

(That's okay. We all know you've got the other ice cream trucks deployed to keep the other seven distracted).

Maybe we're overthinking things and could just get out there and talk with people. We could write meaningful, insightful, engaging comments and then get points the organic way. What do you think?

If you say so (best Eeyore voice).

The ice cream truck was your idea. I was just trying to back you up. I was kind of hoping our talk would act as a distraction, but so far, it's hard to tell. I mean, they're not commenting on any of this, so maybe it's working?!?

Bingo...I'm commenting, writing a post, cooking ribs and sipping a beer...all right now ;)

Okay, so that's either a pretty late lunch or a very early dinner seeing how it's 2 pm-ish in Playa del Carmen, or else you've got the slow kind of ribs cooking. :)

Always the investigative reporter hey?! We were up so early and out for a long walk, then had a little snack but picked up these amazing looking ribs. So it's going to be a weird 3pm "luchner", but I'm making enough so we have another snack, I figure, by 8 pm :) No schedule necessary buddy!

Wow, very industrious of you! Yeah, there's no stopping that, @glenalbrethsen.

Yeah, just the one... plus that fleet that are "occupied." (I don't actually know what I mean here


(Shhhhh! There she is! Act natural.)


Hey! How's it going? :)

From where I sit, us guys need all the help we can get. I've read articles a couple of times now that women have thousands of more words to use each day than men, so I'm figuring that's carrying over from the spoken word and counts with the written word, too. I know I'm just barely halfway through the day and I'm already feeling it. :)

As it is, though I don't command the ice cream trucks, so if one shows up, it won't be because of me!

(Shhhhh! There she is! Act natural.)
Hey! How's it going? :)

I love it! Spot on. I feel like I'm sitting in the same room as you. Almost like a conversation.

You make some valid points. This thing should be graded on a scale. The guys should get a 20% bonus on comment length and a 35% bonus on comments due to difficulty finding things to say and ways to start conversations. That being said, I don't really have an excuse. When I'm on my game, I can start a conversation with almost anyone and there's a 67% chance we'll be good friends within 5 minutes. I'm also gearing up to be gone for a while. I have a call with a couple of friends and we can talk for hours on end. I might not even make it back on tonight if we really get cooking (no ribs though. too hard to do over the phone. although maybe the radiation from the phone would cook them slowly... like it's doing to me.)

So, this is like a gender wage gap, only in reverse! It's about time we got the benefit of a weakness! It's...uh...

Yeah. I don't think that's going to fly. I can feel glaring hot stares already on the Cancun side of my head. (UK side is safe for now because she supposedly went to sleep an hour or so ago.) Sizzle. Sizzle. Sizzle. Just like the cell battery radiated ribs.

hahaha natural as a statue ;)

I think you're right...we can talk a lot !

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