Investing into the discussion

in #engagement5 years ago

I just staked my first NEOXAG:



Slow down, slow down - I can only read so many DM vote begs at a time...

Just joking, no one messages me...

While I am posting this for #steemleo, this is less a direct investing post than perhaps it should be, but I think that there is something that needs to be said. If you are one of those people who tag all of the largest staked users you can find in the hope to get something from them, Please stop.

I got one of these messages today through a Gina notification and the person's excuse, someone I had never met before but is a very high rep, was that they have no friends so word of mouth doesn't work and they want to attract comments. While some people might "like" getting randomly tagged, if you are looking to actually build a following, using the highest stake lists isn't the way to do it. Well, at least I think it is very, very tasteless and I think will be met with some mutes, possibly some downvotes.

When I had a look at the comments made by the user, I was hard-pressed to find comments that were on any other blog than their own then checked Steemworld and found this:

That is a post:comment ratio of 1:1.23 so, no wonder there might be a bit of a struggle in getting engagement. For reference, one of the most engaged users on steem who puts us all to shame:

This is @abh12345

and my own shameful attempt in comparison:

In my defense, I used to get a lot of spam comments and I post 5x more than Asher because he is lazy.

Now, this is where the investment comes into it, because if someone actually wants to build an audience here, they are going to have to actually build the audience as for the most part, content alone isn't enough. This is an investment into an experience and as one attention whore artist has said repeatedly, your account is like a business and that means you have to invest into it.

He has:

This is @nonameslefttouse

These are people who aren't necessarily earning the largest amounts on the platform yet are doing well, but they are getting support in the comments sections, they have friends, they have respect, their voice is heard and, I have never been tagged by them unnecessarily to get my attention. Nonames isn't an attention whore at any cost, he gets his attention through his artwork and engagement, through the investment he makes into the community to the point that even when he is on hiatus for 5 months, people care enough to comment and look for him.

It is community investment that garners the most attention on Steem and while it doesn't always come with fat votes, it does come with a voice that gets heard wider than many and an account that can collect many voices for a discussion. I call these accounts Steem nodes because they connect so many points of Steem together, like a call exchange.

@whatsup is another that comes to mind here.

You won't find a lot of "nice post!" comments in that group and it is not comments alone, but the pattern is clear that for those who have worked their way into the community deeply, they are also those involved and engaged with the community deeply. Ask any of these people about the coming hardfork, and they will be able to give you their opinion in detail if necessary, and other than @abh12345 who data dives, none of them are overly technical. The reason they know is because they care enough to understand the system that affects them and the community they care about from their own perspectives. They are invested into the community, just as much (if not more so) than they are invested into Steem.

I have used the account as a Steem business analogy too over the years, as I see this as work. A lot of fun work too, but it is work performed toward some kind of outcome in the future and, hopefully a positive one for as many of us as possible. Whether it be a user base, an economic future, a spreading of ideas or a new business model, this takes effort, time, energy and all kinds of various skills.

Learn and earn. This doesn't just mean earn some token, it means, earn the outcome you are looking to reach. If you want to get valuable comments on your post, learn how that happens. If you want eyes on your art, learn how that happens. If you want the votes of whales, ummm.. you are probably shit out of luck because there are only 17 active ones, but there are quite a few Orcas and dolphins that are swimming these waters too so - learn what they are interested in.

Of course, people can use whatever strategy they think will work for them on Steem and what works for one might not work for another but, learning what works for you to reach the outcomes you are looking for is your own responsibility. Sometimes though, there might be others who you could learn from who might have seen a thing or two on their own journey that could help whittle down the choices for a better way forward.

One thing you will always own is your experience - Even if it is not the one you want.

[ a Steem original ]


post:comment ratio

1:47.5 - @abh12345
1:21.8 - @nonameslefttouse
1:12.6 - @whatsup
1:7.1 - and lame ass me

While the ratio is one thing, the content of those comments matters too.

I am happy with my 1:9(ish) working on getting 1:10

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep, I have to work harder but what kills my ratio is the arsehole that keeps posting top-level posts at night....

It might be worth mentioning: I'll often respond, and get a response to my response. I don't always get the last word, nor is it necessary to have the last word. Listening is part of the conversation as well.

I think you would have a really good depth of comments with multiple responses. I can't d that math though, that is one for @abh12345

That dude must go through a lot of calculators in a year...

He does it all on the walls of his apartment

I bet that looks, healthy.

I met Ash in Poland at SF3, he looks uncannily like this:

The teeth are spot on.

What a bloody mess.

Too many to calculate :O

You're going to need more fingers.

Mine is 1:50ish (rounded it down), yay I'm good at something? XD

@mattclarke is really high too. What does that say about Australians? :D

That we're awesome ;D

Was just looking and @galenkp has a solid 1:8

Pretty interesting to see the ratios :D

Lowly 1:8 feels as bad as getting picked last for the football team in grade 4. 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Means you don't live on your computer unlike some of us? XD

Yes, thats probably it. off the hook then huh? ☺️

Posted using Partiko Android

Go me :D

Thanks for the read, there must be people with a higher ratio than me and maybe I'll have a look in the data at some point.

THere probably are, but considering you post decent posts occasionally too ;D

Wow cool! :) I didn't even know but that is a stat I am proud of!

It is a pretty good metric for those who are active in posting also.

I get 1:63, but considering my 1000th day is in the rear-view; <200 posts is pretty dismal.

:D eat that @abh12345 :D

Yeah, you should post more Matt

I'm not going to square up against a guy who's token does this.

Here are your ENGAGE tokens!

To view or trade ENGAGE go to


Look at them gains.

Wow! :D


I was curious:

3 months left for me.

That is insane.

I don't even remember, when I taged someone.

I liked this post, and the ratio. I am terrible at math, but I have always liked to comment since joining steemit. I recently went over 13,000, except for a couple of robotic type post from a project all of mine I think have been more than 5 words.

Comments are the new users best friend, if used and done right. Now all I need to do is figure out posting, but I'm just a bit to inconsistent on current things I like to do, and have a tendency to float between a lot of things. I'd be a terrible small business owner, my store would keep changing it's character, one week garden tools, then the next week yarn and crafts, or photography supplies, my customers would not know what was in the store from week to week,

Lol, I think many of us are bad business owners here but hopefully the opportunity to be good at business by changing it up is available :)

Comments are definitely one of the best ways to build relationships on Steem, perhaps the only way.

Hmmmmm Post to comment Ratio is a good one to measure. I might add it to the prioritization rules in @we-are when it goes looking for something to upvote.

Posted using Partiko Android

At least for those who post regularly it is a good metric I think - as long as not automated comments :)

I’ve been a comment whore since I started here lol didn’t really know what to post for a few weeks so I just stalked people like edicted for a while. I’ve been actually posting more but the random tags are a bit annoying. I partially find it flattering that someone thinks I’m worth tagging, this one guy tags me every time he posted for like a month lol. People of your strength get it worse than me for sure, I’ve seen the lame nice post spam comments on so many but mainly when the price of Steem improves. Right now there’s less spammers.

Posted using Partiko iOS

so I just stalked people like edicted for a while.

I think everyone stalks @edicted - it's the red hat.

I’ve seen the lame nice post spam comments on so many but mainly when the price of Steem improves. Right now there’s less spammers.

After HF20 where RCs were added, Spam dropped by about 80%. After that, the price has done the rest :D

I'm maintaining a pretty even 1:10 ratio for a while now.

I am hoping that I will be able to improve the ratio by posting less :D

Or improve it by quitting your job and just commenting more. :D

Not sure where you got those stats from but according to steemitboard I'm at:


Ah steemworld has nightmode now? :P

Night mode should be standard on everything.


For a year or so! :D

Nice post, yo.

I have 300 posts so it's easy for me to brag with my post:comment ratio.

It's over 9000.

is that ratio calculated on comments or characters per comment? ;D

Well actually I was lying. I could try to hide the truth in another way...

It's over 9 , 0 0 0

Nobody see's the , there.

It is 16 I think. lame. Asher wins.

I know. That's why I'm writing so many comments now.

There would be another solution too:

oh that is disturbing.

nice post @tarazkp whats my ratio? hahaha


Lame. You have your work cut out for you to catch up ;D

Nice and interesting post, my stats are as follow:
Comments: 31145
Looks like I was quite busy, although I am almost here for 3 years (August)

Yep, that ratio is up there with 1:20

Btw, I joined January 2017, but it was still 6 months before the comment votes arrived. From my memory, even though there was no direct economic incentive, people still commented. Do you remember different?

You were always able to vote on comments, it's just that no one did cause superlinear and 30min penalty, they were too busy trying to get CR from posts.

Was a good time for me to focus on curating with a trail and not posting but only commenting to increase activity and retention. :')

ah, was that what it was? So when it just wasn't worth voting comments. I think that after HF21 many people who don't know how to build a following will stop commenting because they won't get 2 cents for it, not realizing that it is costing them many dollars in the future.

@tarazkp I thought you were right about the voting on comments, seems we are both not correct!!
Thanks @acidyo for helping us remember!!

He has an elephant's memory :D

It was actually @acidyo that got me taking Steem seriously and I started to learn. I wish I had run into him when I started but it took me over 6 months to start understanding the real potential. Up until then, I just posted and crossed my fingers someone saw it.

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