Oh WOW! I Just Realised Something... It Finally Happened... I'm Back... I Guess I Should Explain.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #engagement5 years ago

Engagement level 9000

Whoa hold up there Stevieboy! Ya need to introduce the post and tell the nice folks who stopped by what you are referring to instead of just dropping a quote in and letting them join the dots themselves...

Oops sorry friends, I usually don't let my internal monologue hit the page in that manner. It just slipped out.


Do you remember why we are here? I mean why we are really here?

You see the thing is, I am here asking you the question when it seems like I am the one who got away from my main purpose on the blockchain.

Ok Ok. Let me head back to that quote and add a little context so that you may even have half a hope of following along with my half-baked, nonsensical ramblings. It relates to the true purpose of this platform and the awesome community who frequent it.

((Yup, I know the entire community isn't awesome or even well-meaning, but I choose to focus on that which I wish to see more of and acknowledge.))

Here is a larger cross section of the quote I opened with from a great dude I met a little while ago named @goodguymate He's a really nice guy who I hope becomes a more frequent blogger here as he has a lot to offer.

Oh my god, if this is not engagement level 9000 then what is? You are like the nicest person out there :D
When I saw you quote from my oldest post I got shocked.

When I stumble across somebody I want to get to know better or who intrigues, interests or resonates with me I often scroll all the way back to their first couple of posts and occasionally I leave a comment on it. One of the reasons for this is I like to see their progression from day 1 to the blogger they have become, secondly I like to see the direction their life has taken in the time they have been among us.

Also it is incredible how my life went the way I wanted. Thank you so much for showing me! Sometimes people forget to appreciate what they already have.

What can I tell ya? I still have some belief, interest and faith in we humans as a species and the capacity within each of us to grow and reach for more. In short... To become!


To the cynics among you, ((tut tut)) he was an awesome kid who wrote in a personal, relatable style I liked and he did NOT have a huge up-vote that I was trying to solicit, people can see through that crap really fast and if you are going after such rewards you are doing this whole thing WRONG!

If I remember correctly he was going for his first real job interview and I felt from reading his post that he needed a little encouragement from a friend he had not met yet. So that's exactly what I offered.

That is one of the primary reasons we are here!

Seriously I don't mean to sound trite, cliched, happy - clappy or maybe a little too zen. BUT I think this is where it's at! Community, what does it mean to you? If it means constantly refreshing the price of Steem, SBD or crypto in general, then I gotta tell ya friend, you're doing this thing all wrong, focusing on the wrong stuff.

Let us become what we need to become, I promise you I am 100% certain that if we do that, the masses will follow and so will the price and thus the return we would all love to see but that cannot be the primary motivation or we have gotten it all back to front.


So back to the curious title of this post... I have started not just writing posts again but commenting in exactly the way I used to... I was always the comment guy, people would refer to it often on Discord shows or in the all important comment sections around the platform and I need to let you know it feels EPIC!!!

I am reconnecting with old friends, striking up new conversations and I am having an absolute-frickin'-blast doing so.

You see I have had a tonne of health/finance/life issues for the last few months so my time here was limited so I had gotten away from what I was all about on the blockchain.

But I repeat, I am back and I am loving remembering why I am here. I am engaging and connecting like there is no tomorrow, who knows one day there may well not be.

I urge you to revisit with why you started here and get back to that vision... You may just surprise yourself with the new lease of life this can provide to your blockchain adventure.


I say it often but it bears repeating one more time as I believe it is crucial to the longevity of what we have in our hands here. The technology and concept we are using is so completely radical, new and exciting and yup, experimental it is far, far too early to start judging the success or failure of blockchain communities or crypto in general.

In years to come we will have the oh-so-beautiful gift of hindsight to more accurately judge the great crypto experiment.

Until then, let's work together on making this blockchain an engaged, connected haven of community values, Together WE can become a self fulfilling prophecy of what we hope to one day see here, because...

Together we are just better!



I love love love the comments that you leave, you have lifted me up so many times in the past and just exactly when I needed it too. Yes community is what it is all about, and it is what has kept me here and so hopeful for this platform, the folks on here that I engage with are amazing and then there are the ones I have not even met yet. Much love to you xxx

Absolutely the friends we've not met yet are one of the greatest promises of tomorrow. I see people saying "I love you" on the blockchain constantly and I gotta be honest I often question the deeper meaning behind it, although I hope people keep on saying it to eachother, maybe the worlds problems could be slowly eroded by such sentiment and connection... But I sincerely love you Aish and wish only the best for you and your girls.

you have lifted me up so many times in the past and just exactly when I needed it too.

Oh Aish if this is true that is among the most heartwarming things I have ever heard and makes me feel incredibly, happy, humbled, proud and connected, I simply adore your outlook for us as a species and share many of the sentiments.

Unusually I am gonna leave that comment there as I am afraid I may have assaulted your inbox too much already with a comment I wrote a short while ago. Ya know I found it difficult to reign in my excessive use of words, right? BUT if that's the way such connections happen I cannot appologise as I believe that is one of the greatest, most fulfilling reasons we are here.

May you and yours look after eachother always and love, support and cherish eachother. Wonderful to see you my friend. 🙂❤️

of course it is true, your words have touched me so much and had me in tears, good tears. I am so so happy we connected on the wide web and yes we are certainly on the same page my friend. Sending you much love xxxx

Oh my goodness! I love this!

First, What a great idea to read early posts. Personally, I don't see the date on a magazine that I initially wanted to read only to decide that it was too outdated. I even love old news papers!

Second, I obv have never heard you speak but I'm quite certain that I've created your very well displayed voice and tone.

Your blog is very easy to flow with and rather enticing. Keep it up.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh @anaclark I do believe this is the entire point of this whole community thing... Furthermore I believe that you are exactly the sort of person that I am speaking to when I write the nonsensical ramblings that I do.

Let me say quite bloody categorically that when I get responses like this I am so frickin' happy, I almost feel validated, let me explain what I mean... I cross paths with quite a sizable number of people who believe we are here on this blue/green orb we call home to take what we can and simply exist full stop! Seriously that is what far too many people believe...

They do not believe in friends we have not met yet and meeting new friends through random happenstance! There is a growing belief that most folks simply exist to get what they can from others and from life in general and they have a cynical view of people who are nice.

I would rather meet a million awesome, nice people and be fooled 99% of the time than change my outlook of what I believe is in peoples heart and what we are capable of when we come together.

Sorry I know I sound like I gush sometimes and it may seem like I'm about to burst into the chorus of kumbaya, but I suspect you get it! Sorry if my trademark over-familiar style is a little full on, I just love to meet cool new people and to have the chance to connect.

Thankyou so much for stopping by I am incredibly pleased and happy that we met, I am sure we will cross paths many, many times in the future. Take wonderful care of you and yours my friend 🙂

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