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RE: 🏆 The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago

Thank you @abh12345 and @curie :) It was a slower week for me; my brother and family from Texas were here for a visit, so spending time with Brian and my family was way more it should be :)

I'll be back full force this week though!

Congratulations to @gillianpearce, @glenalbrethsen, @eaglespirit, @janton, @mad-runner,@themanwithnoname, @bashadow, @funbobby51, @leeart, and @fullcoverbetting. It's great seeing so many new names in here too!!


thank you for the grats and yay familia!

You did excellent! Congratulations. Sorry I didn't have a chance to chat with you much during the raffle yesterday. Things got hectic there, and in real life. I was trying to balance a lot of things and still pay attention.

You're doing really well recently. You may have been before too, but I didn't know you then. Keep up the good work!

thank you so much! i was hovering below top 10, then i stopped upvoting my posts and thats what did it. ive always engaged from getting on this platform. its how ive met many people and made many friends. it is really the way of steemit. minus the bullys 😆😆 i try to avoid those. no worries during the raffle, honestly i happened to just catch it! :)

Good on you for figuring out what you needed to do and then doing it. I remember at first it was difficult to stop self-voting, even though I would only do it on posts, not any comments. After I joined the league, I didn't want to miss out on any points, so I stopped. I've been happy about the result since then.

Yeah, stay away from those bullies. That's a quick way to get discouraged.

Glad you could catch the raffle. It was a fun time!

well, my first guesses were a dud ... then i tried different things but Thanks for the encouragement! :)
yeah i didn't want to give up self voting, especially after I saw some folks still self upvoting and hitting the top. LOL
i'm not sure how i got here really ... i was just working with one aspect of things and vroom.... anyhoo, i'm not hating it. :)
yeah, the bullies kind of messed up my vibe ... :(
yay raffle, it would be nice for me to win at least one some day. the same people seem to win over and over. i don't get it.

Way more important.

You still managed enough time to sneak into the top 10 though :)

A mixed list of 'old' and new this week, good to see!

Thank you for the compliments, dear @lynncoyle!!
Although it is difficult to repeat the top of this ranking, because I have to start a second job, but I'll try anyway!

"Trying" is all anyone can ask of us :)

Thanks for the shoutout, @lynncoyle1. I thought you were not appearing as much as you normally do. I'm glad you were able to spend time with your family. I hope you were able to recharge a bit with them there to pour out support and love on you.

My brother and his wife are awesome for that! You're a pretty sweet guy to even think of it :)

I know that I start to miss family, especially when I've been away from them for a while. I figured it might be the same for you. I'm glad their presence helped. :)

What?!? Family more important than the leagues?!?

Okay. Yes it is. :)

I'm glad you were able to see them and spend time with them.

I'm not so sure if I want to see full force, though. How about half-full force? Or maybe even three-quarters-full force? See, I don't think any of us have truly witnessed full force. That would be scary. Like hurricane scary. Has there ever been a Hurricane Lynn? Batten down the hatches! Stow the mizzen mast! :)

hahaha @glenalbrethsen, don't worry, the road is paved with good intentions. We'll see how the week transpires 😂

I do like the sound of Hurricane Lynn, but only if it's a awe-inspiring storm with no bad side effects...not likely right? 😂

I think you pretty much take the bad with any good when it comes to hurricanes or tornadoes or any other nature related disaster in the making. So maybe Hurricane Lynn isn't quite what we're going for. At any rate, full force Lynn will be a force to be reckoned with. :)

Mmh, missed the part that @lynncoyle1 was going full force. Maybe I have to change my expectations then. Second will be like winning the league :)
The game is on Lynn let it be hard but fair :)

Don't you got some world cup to be watching? That starts this week finally, right? I think you're going to be way too busy glued to a TV screen or however you consume it to be worrying about Lynn or anything else any of us are doing. :)

And it will be okay, too. You can come back to it in a couple of weeks when the world cup is over. :)

I will watch most games of the world cup without a doubt. But believe it or not, while being a guy, I can multi task 😁
And let’s be honest what is a competition without some friendly banter!
3 weeks before my holiday. Then you all won’t see me much for 2 weeks 😎

I guess it's a good idea to go full force while you can then.

Where you going? Can't remember if you've mentioned that before or not.

Well, I readily admit that I can't. I can get some machines do some laundry and dishes while I'm doing what I want to do, but can't hold a baby, wash dishes, talk on the telephone and keep track of what's on tv. So, those who can, more power to them.

Oh, friendly banter is fine. I think part of this is being able to joke around with one another, and it wouldn't be as fun if we didn't, would it. All game and no trash? :)

I haven’t mentioned it so you couldn’t know. But after 3 years in a row going to Mallorca, it will be Kos in Greece this year.
We had 2 options Cyprus or Greece. The guys wanted Cyprus the wifes Kos, so like in every family Kos it is!
Next year it will probbly the States again. The wife wants to go back to Hilton Head Island in North-Carolina.
Fine by me as long as we can get a GMC Yukon as rental!

She wants a road trip from New York to Miami!

You could have crashed with Asher if you made it four. But Kos sounds nice, too. One of these days, I'll make it to the Mediterranean. It says Kos is a Greek island, but it's really close to Turkey, if I've got the right place on Google Maps.

Road trip from New York to Miami. That would be a good one. Sounds like you're going for roominess with the Yukon. I guess 20-ish mpg on the freeway isn't bad for that size of a vehicle. I have an Altima that gets up into the 35 mpg range, so I'm kind of partial to fuel economy right now. :)

My wife is going to visit her sisters and aunts for a couple weeks down near Mexico City, and then we may be heading over to Eastern Idaho in early December. That's about it for us this year.

Firm but fair has been my motto buddy :) Let's see what the week brings me, but I have to admit, as much as enjoyed my family and more time with Brian, I did not like seeing my name "so far" down the list. Yes, yes I know, it's not far down at all, but you know what I mean haha

I know. I would be a blast for me, standing just behind you in the league! This week I will go full force just like you and from then on we will see.
Curious if I can get into the top 5. Highest ranking at this moment was 6th.
That week I did wrote 334 comment. The highest comments week was around 6 weeks ago with 383 comments. So, I do write enough comments but they are just not long enough! I do want to change this, but I just can't. When you ran out of words, you ran out of words!

Well I would be honored to have you anywhere near me buddy! And there's a lot of bravado talk on here haha, but in all seriousness, there is nothing worse than a wordy comment that says nothing :)


It is true. I do try to comment only on the posts, which I did read fully and to write a genuine comment. The world cup is just making it easier for me!

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