What is a Van De Graaf band generator?
"This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler�s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk [Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive] and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc."
"A Van de Graaff Generator is a device used for building up extremely high Potential Differences in the order of a few million (as high as 20 million volts). Currently, Van de Graaff Generator produces a Potential Difference of 5 Mega volts.
The Van de Graaff Generator was designed by Robert Jemison Van de Graaff in1929 A.D.
While standing on an insulated platform, if we touch the spherical part of this Generator, the charge of the sphere would pass along our body and would transmit to our hairs.
Since the same charge would produce on our hairs, and these charges would repel each other. This is what we could see in the picture below:
Van de Graaff Generators are delineated as the "constant current" electrostatic devices. When we put a load on a Van de Graaff Generator, the current remains constant., but the voltage alters with the load."
"A Van de Graaff generator is an electrostatic generator which uses a moving belt to accumulate electric charge on a hollow metal globe on the top of an insulated column, creating very high electric potentials. It produces very high voltage direct current (DC) electricity at low current levels. It was invented by American physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff in 1929.[1] The potential difference achieved by modern Van de Graaff generators can be as much as 5 megavolts."