What is a Hans Coler "free energy" generator?
"This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler�s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk [Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive] and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc."
"An engineer by the name of Hans Coler unveiled a device he called a "free energy" generator. It was said to produce a continuous stream of electrical power without the need for any input fuel. Coler's invention generated a great deal of interest at the time, but it was eventually forgotten and largely forgotten."
"A solid-state magnetic generator was invented by Captain Hans Coler of Germany and a 10-watt example first shown in 1925. It involved magnets to generate electricity and employed a small battery but no other source of input power other than what he called space energy of Nature’s quantum invisible world."
"The generator is said to work by capturing energy from the earth's magnetic field. Coler built several prototypes of the generator, but never managed to perfect it. In spite of this, he managed to keep the device secret for several years."
Most Powerful Free Energy Generator Using Screws Copper Coil and Magnet Activity 2020
"“[Naval Captain] Hans Coler is the inventor of two devices by which it is alleged that electric energy may be derived without a chemical or mechanical source of power. Since an official interest was taken in his inventions by the German Admiralty it was felt that an investigation was warranted, although normally it would be considered that such a claim could only be fraudulent… Accordingly, Coler was visited and interrogated. He proved to be cooperative and willing to discuss all details of his devices, and consented to build and put into operation a small model of the so-called Magnetstromapparat [Magnet Current Apparatus]… With this device, consisting only of permanent magnets, copper coils and condensers in a static arrangement, he showed that he could obtain a tension of 450 mv for several hours… One model is said to have worked for three months locked in a room in the Norwegian Legation in Berlin in 1933… The greatest tension obtained was 12 volts.”
Coler also invented another device called the Stromzeuger (Current Generator). He claimed that, “with an input of a few watts from a dry battery an output of 6 kW could be obtained indefinitely.” The last and largest model which Coler built was destroyed by a bomb in 1945, but “Coler expressed his willingness to construct it, given the materials, the time required being about 3 weeks.” The public version of the BIOS report does not state whether or not this was done."
Most Powerful Free Energy Generator at 220V
Powerful 220V Free Energy Generator
"This device consists of six permanent magnets wound in a special way so that the circuit includes the magnet itself as well as the winding (See Figure 1). These six magnet-coils are arranged in a hexagon and connected as shown in the diagram (Figures 2 & 3), in a circuit which includes two small condensers, a switch, and a pair of solenoidal coils, one sliding inside the other. To bring the device into operation, the switch is left open, the magnets are moved slightly apart, and the sliding coil set into various positions, with a wait of several minutes between adjustments. The magnets are then separated still further, and the coils moved again. This process is repeated until at a critical separation of the magnets an indication appears on the voltmeter. The switch is now closed, and the procedure continued more slowly. The tension then builds up gradually to a maximum, and should then remain indefinitely. The greatest tension obtained was stated to be 12 volts."
"The Stromerzeuger
Meaning literally "power generator", the Stromerzeuger had its own unique features (like all magnetic generators) and consisted of two electrical circuits. It used magnets and coils and the power was used to light up a bank of lights.
This device was a great source of interest to the military. It was verified by two professors but the official story is that it was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1945.
How does it work? Most people today think that Coler did not really understand how it worked. Explanations can be found in "zero point", a fringe area of physics. However, Coler's explanation relied on an electron not being just a particle but also a magnetic south pole. Even combining conventional physics with what we know about zero point, this concept cannot be proven or even understood easily."