Specific EM Frequencies ---> Antenna ---> Radio Receiver ---> Car Stereo Amplifier ---> Capacitor
Specific EM Frequencies = Radio Stations
"So what was the source of power that powered the AC electric motor? Electromagnetic (EM) waves which Tesla declared is a free source of power that is “everywhere present in unlimited quantities”."
Antenna = Car Antenna
"Our Sun emits electromagnetic energy and that energy showers down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a energy receiving device (an antenna) can easily be built to harness and use this power"
"Tesla used an antenna (an electrical conductor) and an amplifier to harness and then amplify energy."
Radio Receiver = Car Stereo
"Tesla would fool with some tuners and tune in the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air to his car."
Amplifier = Subwoofer / Speaker Amplifier
"An amplifier’s job is to take a weak audio signal and boost it to generate a signal that is powerful enough to drive a speaker, or in the above case, an electric motor. Today the component at the heart of most amplifiers is the transistor. Transistors have replaced Tesla’s vacuum tube (also called valve amplifier)."
Capacitor = Store amplified radio station noise as electrical current instead of being listened to
"Both used matching capacitor banks rated at 5KVA each. Tesla used twelve (12), for a total of 60KVA (KW), while Gray used three (3) for a total of 15KVA.
The key design point for Tesla’s car system was that his power rating of 60KVA equates to 80HP so that all of his design specifications match the full power rating for his car."
For example: Instead of listening to radio station amplified by 800 watt amplifier, store / use 800 watts of electrical energy.
Signal ---> Receiver ---> Amplifier ---> Capacitor (Storage)
"Tesla connected the antenna (an electrical device which converts electric radio waves into current – i.e. an infinitely free power supply) to the center-tap of the ignition coil of the Pierce Arrow. 12 vacuum tubes were then wired (connected) together in parallel and connected to the ignition coil. In this circuit, Tesla amplified the very weak radio wave signal and produced a very high voltage output. Enough to power the 80 HP AC electric motor for a full week, often at speeds of up to 90 mph."
Battery Powers Radio Receiver & Amplifier
"Tesla made use of the alternator to continually recharge the Pierce Arrow’s single 12 volt automotive battery and help supply sufficient power"