Clean energy: Impact PPA platform

in #energy6 years ago

  • ImpactPPA is a blockchain based technology platform that will transform the global energy marketplace allowing consumers of energy to “Pre-Pay” for electricity from a mobile device. 
  • ImpactPPA uses the power of the blockchain to provide a payment rail for investors, project developers, service providers, governments utility companies and others driven from a trusted and transparent platform.  

The ImpactPPA platform is developed on the Ethereum blockchain and is powered by its unique MPQ token. The Token holders wo have the voting power to decide on energy production options steaming from SmartPPAs. 

The ImpactPPA platform restructures and reorganizes energy funding processes through the employ of decentralized PPAs which will effectively remove intermediaries standing between power generating stations and reaching of the final consumers.  

  1. This platform will make the energy fund industry looks simple to the point that every one will escape clauses in circulation and getting of energy needed without thinking about our location.
  2. ImpactPPA will open a reasonable platform which will associate the buyers and the financing of energy conveyance.
  3. ImpactPPA aim to execute on their current PPAs, contracts, and their letters of intent. 

Bаѕеd on trаnѕfоrmаtіvе power vіа the blосkсhаіn, thе IMPACTPPA attempts tо оffеr a unіԛuе ѕоlutіоn to present dау’ѕ еnеrgу problems аnd thаt оf thе futurе. Wіth a utіlіtу ѕсаlе оr mісrо grid whісh is wеll bеіng dерlоуеd in over 35 соuntrіеѕ аrоund thе wоrld аnd соuntіng, thе power іѕ generated, ѕtоrеd аnd delivered еffесtіvеlу. Thіѕ power then flоwѕ tо a smart mеtеr whісh is аlwауѕ соnnесtеd tо thе blockchain ecosystem, thе consumers оf thіѕ еlесtrісіtу can nоw іntеrасt wіth thеіr smart mеtеrѕ аnd саn purchase роwеr frоm thеіr mоbіlе devices. 

How it work?

  • Utility scale or Micro-Grids deployed in over 35 countries, power is generated, stored and delivered.
  • Power flows to a smart meter which is connected to the blockchain.
  • Consumers of electricity interact with their smart meter and purchase power from a mobile device. 

The Company is creating a decentralized energy platform that disrupts and reimagines the energy funding, distribution and payment process. ImpactPPA is establishing an “end to end” solution for energy generation from funding, construction through to payment and ultimately, revenue recognition. 

This model breaks the funding bottleneck by decentralizing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), using Smart Contracts which eliminate the layers of intermediaries between the funding and consumption of energy. 


Price MPQ = 0.35 USD
Payment Model - ETH
Minimum Investment N/A
Distribution N/A 

Soft Cap 7 000 000 USD
Hard Cap N/A 

The MPQ token community holds the privilege of making the final decisions on the particular prohect to be chosen. The proper technological additions for the chosen project is assigned to the individual and the equipments for energy generations are installed accordingly. 

Bonus Incentives:

Tier 1: $0.00 - $1,000,000 receives a 70% bonus

Tier 2: $1,000,001 - $2,000,000 receives a 60% bonus

Tier 3: $2,000,001 - $3,000,000 receives a 50% bonus

Some of these partners include Windstream technologies, DecentraNet, Carribean Climate Smart Accelerator, EarthDay Network, Fortis Groep NV, Mattereum,, Web Capitalist, Opic Caricom and Carribean Climate Smart Accelerator etc. 


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 84626.72
ETH 2258.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.64