The Frequency Of Prosperity

in #energy7 years ago (edited)

Energy can never be eliminated or destroyed, it only changes its shape or form. The type of energy you are, can in fact attract more energy that matches your vibration anywhere you go. The important question right now is, what type of energy are you currently attracting?


Realizing about the type of frequency you are vibrating on, does matter a lot. It is an ongoing process and it is working 100% of the time. It never stops or takes a break, it is always functioning at all times.

What does it mean for you? What does it mean for all of us? Isn't it an interesting question?

For my point of view, it is very important to pay attention to what we think, say, feel and visualize all the time. Prosperity is really just a mind set created by your own being. If you want prosperity, you need to feel prosper now; whether you think you are prosper in the reality or not. In fact, the fact you are alive and healthy makes you automatically a prosper person, you might just not see it that way.

What are you really taking for granted that you are not appreciating now?

Realize about this all the time and check everyday how your day has gone so far, check the type of feelings you've sent to the universe yesterday, today and your whole life.
Everything is really in your hands, just focus and go to take what is yours and what belongs to you. No one can take anything away from what belongs to you based on vibration, because it was designed and made specially for you.

Never take this for granted my friends. Many blessings to all!


"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow".
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.



According to the Law of Conservation "Energy can not be created nor be destroyed rather it changes from one form into another"
This law is 100% applicable upon human actions around the society. What we think or act come to us directly r indirectly. Logical thoughts you've shared are definitely the reason behind the successful conservation of energy.

Everything is really in your hands, just focus and go to take what is yours and what belongs to you. No one can take anything away from what belongs to you based on vibration, because it was designed and made specially for you.

Thank you so very much for the valuable contribution to the platform @javybar :)

You arr very welcome :)

I concur with your perspective javy, its extremely critical to focus, what we feel and consider yourself. We are proprietors our life and made flourishing with your own particular positive ways.

Good understanding my friend. Thanks :)

Everyone needs a positive energy in their lives, which we find many people are lacking these days, and pessimism and pessimism have become the general status of people in society, but life can not continue without the positive energy and feelings of one's optimism, positive thinking, willpower and determination. And the insistence on achieving the goals contrary to the negative energy generated by frustration, laziness, inactivity, pessimism and many psychological or physical diseases in many cases, and although we live in a society that most believe that it is not positive, it does not necessarily have to be negative in your role as Positive self-start and then can be transmitted to those around you people, and this may have contributed even in a simple transfer of frustrating society who are around you to the worker and optimistic society

Well said prosperity is a mind set created by us. You are the architect of your dreams and ambition. One can get what he try. All you need is self belief it will come to you. Thanks for sharing such a nice motivational and inspirational post @javybar

Golden words, my friend and only positive energy in a good future are driving me and I really hope that all of us who are here now. Only a correct and optimistic attitude will help me to reach the top in my path and I fully agree with you that everything is just in our hands and in our thoughts to achieve our dream! Thank you @javybar

its really mindblowing post dear.. when we focus on what we’re building and receiving, rather than on what’s lacking right now.Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It’s the answer to getting everything that you want.thanks to sharing for your post..@javybar

Very true. Focusing on what we are trying to build, will give us good returns over time :)

yeah,your opinion always right dear...@javybar

Hola @javybar, todos somos prosperos , lo que sucede es que hay que trabajar por nuestros sueños , manejar mucha energia positiva siempre , nuestra energia se contagia , ya sea positiva o negativa , por esto , aunque en ocasiones , es dificil ,hay que sacar de lo malo algo bueno y ser positivos siempre .
Pienso que debemos aprender de nuestros errores , para no repetirlos ,y siempre desear mas y mas , nosotros podemos lograr lo que queramos , asi es que para adelante , EL PASADO ES UN TRAMPOLIN , QUE NOS DEBE IMPULSAR AL FUTURO.
Feliz dia :)

Claro que si. El pasado no ha hecho quienes somos hoy y quienes somos hoy, seremos mañana con la mejores intensiones posibles :)

Positive change happens faster and easier when we focus on what we’re building and receiving, rather than on what’s lacking right now.
Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It’s the answer to getting everything that you want
“Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things to you… Expect the things you want and don’t expect the things you don’t want
Hope you also visit my blog thanks

I really agree with you @javybar. your words are very meaningful to share me. a great advise. Energy is the currency of the universe. When we pay attention to something we buy that experience. It is very useful for us to remember that

Glad it was useful for you :)

as you say friend with just the fact of being alive and having health one is a prosperous person, our destiny we decide ourselves if someone wants to be prosperous just have to be grateful for what he has and will have in his future.

wonderful lines i like it we must change our energy to change our lives And i think that is the right time to change our lives

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