Why Has Our Nation Become Chaotic? When Will the Madness End?

in #energy5 years ago (edited)


I imagine that most Americans are wondering what happened to have turned our nation upside down and why. There is much to know that we don't see and have not learned through our public educations. Unless we have chosen to study energy we would not know what I am presenting here. Our planet is energy. Our hearts beat in tune with the ethers that have created our species. So, let's try to understand what the solar system is experiencing that has negatively effected our lives over the past 11 years. God works in mysterious ways, to be sure.

Millions of people have suffered the loss of homes, jobs, unawakened friends and factual information. So, I thought it might be fun to take a look at the energies that have been bombarding us with life changing events and the effects of bad governance that all of us have suffered. I believe that there is much to acknowledge about universal energies and the valuable information that the aspects of transits that the planets can tell us. Below is the astrological natal chart of the United States of America. There have been a wide variety of times posted for the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence. I am using 6:21PM LMT on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, PA because that was the time the last signature was applied to the original document. In 2024 our nation will be reborn when the planet Pluto prepares to enter Aquarius - but maybe not with all of the stars on the flag. While the planet Uranus transited the constellation of Aries (militant) over the past 7 years militias and patriots have organized to defend our nation. That planet has just entered the constellation of Taurus (possessions).

As you reference the chart, please pay close attention to transiting Uranus as it has squared our nation's transiting Pluto as well as natal Pluto while it was in Aries! Uranus is the freedom fighter of the zodiac. He always wins the war. This transit represented the struggle we the people have had setting ourselves free from unconstitutional governance. Taking into consideration that Pluto rules natural resources such as oil and precious minerals (Uranium come to mind?) and stones, volcanoes, earthquakes, government, criminals, big money, secret organizations such as Free Masonry, the mafia and such, as well as our nation's foundation it is easy to understand who and why created our unpleasant conditions while Pluto transits the constellation of Capricorn, the sign of business. Our nation has had no legitimate governance since 2007. The representatives in government are actually just investors in their personal financial portfolios. They've now been exposed thanks to Saturnine (authoritative) energy that is now traveling alongside Pluto. Saturn's energies opened up Pandora's Box and now we know the truth about the goings on in Washington, DC. It appears that the freedom fighters will be able to restore our nation to its former condition now that Uranus is in Taurus as we will soon leave current politicians in our dust. Uranus is opposing our nation's 11th house of networks and politicians. Expect the sudden departures of our employees in DC. At the same Saturn is conjuncting Pluto and the transiting South Node bringing respect back to our nation, and, for individuals an opportunity to critique what you personally have become and how you are perceived in a specific area of your life. Watch for the exposure of lies, lack of integrity and crimes from now until mid October. Do we need to make changes that would enhance our outward appearances? All of us will take a good look at ourselves. Saturn through Capricorn until the end of 2020 will ensure the bones of our nation stay strong.

While Taurus hosts Uranus for the next 7 years watch for society to become better coifed, the real estate industry to grow and the return of a serious approach to agriculture and ranching during this transit. The innocence of children will be taken seriously and they will learn that the planet is our saving grace.....the big kahuna if you will. Mothering will take on importance. Mother nature may very well rear her ugly head during the next few years. Uranus always "tears down the house" so that we can rebuild with the knowledge and skills we gained over the years.

Uranus will square our nation's North Node in early 2020. The banking system will suddenly change and the end of USA, Inc. will occur. We will experience the end of banking as we have known it.

Neptune (war, liquids, deceit0 is nearing the third decadent within the constellation of Pisces (knowledge) which will bring an interesting five years going forward concerning 3rd and 9th house issues. Watch for news about dangerous liquids including our water and vaccines. Beware. An incredible storm is in the offing prior to 2024. Neptune in transit is war-like. 164 years ago it was where it is today. If we look at the history from those years we will understand that the results of those years are coming to a head so that we can move into the Age of Aquarius without so much baggage. Watch for the revitalization of the education industry. Beware of new technology. The planet Neptune's energies are dark, windy and cold. The energies we receive from Neptune are exactly that when the planet is in transit. The third house of the USA will experience this energy for the next 15 or so years. Take your time researching and getting the facts correct, teaching children, driving and purchasing new cars and other form of travel. Also, your electronics could be water damaged and increased spying and hacking are possible. Under the right conditions Neptune is a thief in the night. Confusion/theft/indoctrination of such items are possible. Electronics and the internet will eventually grow to be a source of contention and revitalized to be more viable than they are in today's world. Google will be taken down and replaced with a real search engine that is useful and American laws applied to such.

Jupiter in Sagittarius will retrograde from April 10, 2019 through August 12, 2019. It is transiting our nation's twelfth house of what is but can't be seen. Jupiter is beneficial. Spiritually will begin to revive under the retrograde. We the people will be surprised by success that happens behind closed doors. Prayers of the people are going to be answered. Depending upon where this falls in your natal chart expect a karmic event or opportunity in that area, too. Good karma is coming for all of us. I liken this to the Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter will cross our nation's Rising in November 2019. Expect this country to fatten up with Jupiter's ( the Creator) blessing. Money will be a source of pleasure next year.

I wrote about the energies of the outer planets because they speak of long term transits that effect everything on the planet. Although, Venus had a lot to say last year and was quickly silenced by the power of Scorpio in the autumn.

Venus retrograded on October 6, 2018 at 10 degrees Scorpio (malefic) to go back to 25 Libra (natural law/balance) on November 16, 2018. This was the rise of the male entity and the beginning of the end for "equality" for women. The USA chart clearly depicts a powerful presence with Pluto, a malefic energy, in the first house opposing Mercury in Cancer in the seventh house. Women will never have power over men in this nation. Going forward men will insist that the female mystique return in lieu of women wearing the pants. The transiting North Node is going to have a lot of influence concerning the opposition to Pluto's double effect in our nation's first house....with Saturn there to boot. Women have taken equality into an unknown and chaotic realm as Scorpio highlighted. Men have rejected matriarchy because it has never been successful. Sorry, ladies. The Creator didn't design us to be leaders. Women are being replaced by transgenderism which goes back to the essence of Pluto in the constellation of Capricorn. Men will begin to notice who is what as we move closer to the summer months. Hollywood is, after all, a tool of Free Masonry.

Our nation's Moon in the second house at 27 degrees of Aquarius (the future) suggests that women are created to be an asset to our country. In approximately two years when Saturn approaches our nation's Moon and while Uranus is firmly in place nearing a square to the Moon it will be discussed that women have not been an asset over the past 29 years when Saturn last conjuncted the Moon. Almost 82 years ago Uranus was nearing Taurus where it is transiting today. Women marched for liberation and allowed the Rockefeller clan to direct our fate as tax payers whose work hours would steer their beautiful children into daycare centers that had to meet government standards. The government took ownership of the children. Now, we women have to face the music of our poor choices. We are now nothing more than units of cash for the bankers and cattle on the abortion table. The babies that are wanted are injected with too numerous and dangerous experimental vaccines (Neptune in Pisces). We didn't do well for ourselves, ladies. Uranus in Taurus will help us to start anew, so to speak. We have a mess to clean up.

Mercury (communications and devices) and Mars (male aggression) have had their energies invade our experiences and will be analyzed in a future update. Mars transit into our nation's 6th house will bring more than one man into the working industry with intent to bring back American management. The medical industry will present more than one treatment or cure for disease which will now will be openly discussed. Mercury moves along quickly to spread the news that the source energy, the Sun, needs to share. Right now, it wants to tell Americans to grow intellectually. Mercury in Pisces is a nudge. Pisces is the sign that integrates the experiences of all other signs. It knows everything. That is where the universe wants we beings in the USA to focus. Existentialism is a Pisces characteristic. I am an 8 degree Pisces and want to know everything about everything that interests me. I swim in the other direction when faced with whatever does not interest me. So, my advice here is to become an expert in something and to recognize that you lack skills or interest in other areas. We all have something to contribute to the pie, right? That is the source energy message for the next few months. Soon we'll all need to start applying new knowledge to new conditions, circumstances and for income growth.

Lastly, the universe will grace us with a total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019 at 10 degrees in the constellation of Cancer at 3:23PM. It can be viewed from Chile and Argentina. There is an ending coming to those nations in some fashion and then a new beginning. It will be emotional. For the USA, the total solar eclipse happens in the seventh house of commitments, marriage, business partners and how we interact with them. Our nation men establish those relationships. When this solar eclipse opposes transiting Saturn in our nation's first house at 17 degrees Capricorn I tend to see a change in rules.....or, if you will, what constitutes a commitment and contract. Our nation needs a facelift. A new teaching method will slam the door on common core education. Women will oppose the new rules that the leader at the Department of Education presents. The nation's Sun is at 13 degrees Cancer and within a direct hit by only 3 degrees of the eclipse. Male teachers will be called upon to take leadership in the educational industry. Diplomats abroad will be replaced. Saturn always makes us do what we don't want to do. It's energies do not accept less. Those energies can't be fought so it will be best to accept the new rules that are coming. The old rules haven't produced much of any value. The 4th of July 2019 may very well be memorable in an historic manner. Marriage will be a topic of interest going forward as we divorce the old guard.

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