Land of crises and false hope?

in #energy8 years ago

Greece is in a turmoil. Crises upon crises leading to a never ending downward spiral. Unemployment is at an all time high. Gloomy people are walking to work , riding on the bus , or leaning on bus stops, waiting for a bus that is not marginally full during rush hour.
People that are almost desperate . They are looking for something to clinge on , a political party , a failed ideology, some obscure belief.

Amidst all this ,every now and then, a loud conversation about politics by some retired old men. They seem to bee more interested to blame the other party rather than to reach a conclusion.

“No hope” seems to be the moto of the day , every day.

Still some prefer to keep a positive outlook on things, maybe sometimes too much. And when a piece of news pops up out of nowhere that promises a change , they become excited almost obsessed. The following story is one of those things that sounds to be too good to be true. But everyone wants to believe.

When I heard of the invention of Petros Zografos , an engineer that looks alot like Einstein’s lost brother, I was very sceptical.

taken from:

What! Energy from water? I have heard this before it is certainly a fad. Some scoundrel wants to make money out of desperate people. This is the best moment for such an intricate scam , the people will believe into anything, they need to do so.

But still I was very curious , I had to find what was going on. I whatched every show on the Internet show “Zougla” that is hosted by ,a once very popular, journalist. The following video is from these shows unfortunately it is in Greek. But you can see pretty much what the show was like.



His claim was that he can create energy from water and metal by using electromagnetic frequencies is intriguing. Even more intriguing is the fact that there are two variations of the machine one that produces electricity and one that produces hydrogen. I had seen other similar inventions on the internet. By no means has he promised unlimited energy out of nothing. Only a cheap easily accesible form of energy that costs a fraction of wht the electric companies charge. And above all it is environmentally safe.

I am not a scientist and I was very confused by the terms he used and the cryptic language. And I guess I am not the only one. Many videos exist on Youtube trying to debunk the story.

On the other hand this story is under the scrutiny of Union of Greek Physicists which is a mainstream institution and that has nothing to gain by it.

As far as I know he has not sold the device to anyone yet and , at enquiries about selling the device he claims that he is waiting for the International Patent that he has claimed to be appointed. There is a forum dedicated to the matter on:

The conclusion is unclear and I wil certainly revisit this story in the future. An elaborate fraud or a new promising invention. Please let me know what you think.


Interesting and confusing, but where is our friend Αλέξης Ζορμπάς ?

I think he got serious and tried to do something of himself. But old habbits die hard.

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