Nazi Takeover Part Two

in #endtimes3 years ago (edited)


[9:19 AM, 4/18/2022] Bill Gates "owns/controls" VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) which is a CDC program from a 1986 law that actually began record “keeping” in 1990. So if say, over 9,000 people have various clotting related/heart problems leading to death from an experimental juicebox, just know that you can increase that number by 99 PERCENT according to 3 prestigious scientific published studies (and many more)... so really over 900,000 deaths! That is also a conservative figure.

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When the real number may spike to 10 times that amount, will they be able to hide and claim forever legal immunity from their own war crimes? Ahemmm... Mr. Drump... AKA Dr. Warpspeed. All these owner/RULER class folks in the top .1% are in fact out in public Nazis, hard core Communists, Fake (Ashkenazi) “NAZI” “Jews” (read Rev 2-3) with as much Semitic blood as any Palestinian (less), Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Luciferian/Death Cult PAGANS! #OneLove indeed! Down with the UN and NATO... super evil death cults! The very Communist Peoples' Chinese Politburo has currently well over 100 billionaires. Their government has switched all of its manufacturing to essential #WARTIME mode and you only hear of their cruel #lockdowns! They are already exporting 50% less!!!

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BEWARE walmart/EBT crowd. You are on the mandatory kill list IF the commies gain full control. Same with all #LGBTQ+, anyone over 50, all military veterans, gun owners, and conservatives. Once they have those useless eaters gone, they ALWAYS murder their leftist useful idiots who are also competition threats: doctors, professors, engineers, mechanics, scientists, etc. Those kept alive are #SLAVES!!! Rule by oligarchy or “lords” sucks hard. Remember the #MagnaCarta!

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#WW3 has already started and it will be nuclear. You are NOT ready. #OperationPaperclip brought at least 35,000 war-hardened-Nazis to the USA, Inc beginning in 1945. Even more went to the #USSR! Remember Nazism FIRST was popular in the USA in the late 20s and all of the 30s, including grade school children "saluting" the USA War Flag. Yes, there is a civilian, peace-time flag of which you never heard. Hitler was funded heavily by American corporations and billionaires/millionaires, all fake Jews, the Catholics (especially the #Jesuits), all secret societies, and Satan himself. Then, as usual, they murdered/took power away from him as soon as the goals were met. The UN, NATO, Bretton Woods, Operations Paperclip and Mockingbird, et. al., Mind control, "alien tech", and "spirit tech". Think #CERN. The #DaysOfNoah began in 1947. Operation #MKUltra began in 1948 and was "ended" during the height of American fascism under Nixon in 1973.... um, sure.


Communists always use democide via starvation as their primary means of control once in full power. ALWAYS! Please remember the fascists control THEM at the top! Think about that when your communist “professor” lauds their favorite “superior” communist systems. Putin is a billionaire and getting more wealth and power daily. I applaud both him and Elon Musk. May they meet on the field of battle soon! These #oligarchs are your real kings and queens and there are less than 10 who are worth over $100 billion #USD. We have 9 publicly. My guess is we also have fewer than 20 trillionaire families or groups/corporations on earth currently... maybe only a handful. The City of London, Inc., Washington, D. C., Inc., The Vatican, Inc., the Crown, Inc., the Rothschild and others of the “13 Families” or “bloodlines”. Soon, one bloodline will rule them all. Can you guess it will be a #HYBRID bloodline... maybe even blue blood? I bet the new threshold for “kingship” in the #NWO will be $10 Trillion or more USD of wealth, power, and control over the peons/pawns/serfs/slaves/human resources/useless eaters/cannon fodder.

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If 200,000 made it to the #VAERS report in a spike... reality would be closer to 20 MILLION DEAD. The evidence is leaning heavily towards 20-40 million dead already with the higher numbers still to come... still another 50-70 million more will die from this eugenics program ran by Bill Gates... our NAZI friend. Will he hang?

I hope so. Right there with Trump and Fauci. #GoPutin #GoElonMusk I hate fascists and communists. #Zionists are usually the worst combo of BOTH! It is far better to win a war than it is to lose one. #Ukraine is currently losing, if not giving a good fight using Western intell, real-time imagining, weapons, targeting, training, doctrines, ethics, and even witchcraft (big time!). Our spec ops bois and generals are already IN Ukraine and have been for many years. The USA, Inc. does run many substantial and nasty programs there... I mean totally evil and depraved. Remember the #HunterLaptop is the tip... Just the TIP. Our #elections were provably stolen and yet no #civilwar happened.

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The #Technocracy is here again and that is PROOF! The last one took the #Flood to rid the corruption and wickedness as ALL flesh besides Noah's fam was corrupted.. all mankind; all animals; all plants... in their genetic codes. #GAMEOVER #DaysOfNoah are almost peaking now and we will see some freaky chimeras soon. Being a cyborg will be the norm and #ResistanceIsFutile for the many. We #few, we #meek will survive and thrive and inherit the re-created New Earth while in new bodies.

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Biden (really king Obama) is just clean up crew no different than what the #FBI does for the #CIA and the #NSA... et al. The FBI ONLY "catches" patsies THEY set up and then hide the real evidence of real crimes by their owners. For instance, pedos get free passes all over this "justice" (JustUS) system. 500,000 people vanish yearly yet we pay these incompetents to "protect" us? When all "UNESSENTIAL" government workers were sent home recently, I noticed no shortfall in my government retirement or any price increases.

Are you better off now than you were 10 years ago? Most of us will say HELL NO! Now put on your thinking caps and protect your loved ones and their future today or you will regret it.


All I see is harm being done, bro. Is the #ironandclay final feet kingdom of the Book of Daniel almost in place? If it takes a #Trillion to really be a king, I wager #Musk will be one soooooooon. If not, we may never know their names but there will be 10 final kings/kingdoms that combine to rule us all. One of them murders and takes over three suddenly and without mercy. The final Seven kings will bow to #TheOne; most of you will also. There can only be One.

My guess is one of the three utterly obliterated will be the USA, Inc. when it is destroyed in less than one hour. Alas, #Babylon. Do not be there once #Judgment begins. You have been warned again. Is the “iron” of the final Earth kingdom the fascist oligarchs and the clay, the 99.9% surviving communist slaves? They DO want less than half a billion of us to survive. #OneLove is a soul trap like many others.



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This is just more evidence: