NASA's Artemis launch date coinciding with an upcoming event in early Sept? What are the Artemis Accords and have you seen the Purdue docu from 1961 called Microwave Energy Conversion? Purdue part of Space Force!
Was Capstone launched by NASA to set up the delivery and testing of the Microwave Transmitter that will be used to send the Torsion Field Energy Microwave to a 5g space station on earth.
Will the Artemis launch be used to connect the transmitter to the data banks inside the moon that have been storing the reptilian consciousness [that of the fallen]?
Once connected will the transmitter be able to send out a Torsion Field Energy Microwave Signal?
At the moment it arrives on the shaft of the Giza Pyramid, on the morning of Sept. 3rd at 12:01 am
D.C. [So what people on the east coast think of as During the Night].
So why was the Artemis launch rescheduled that was talked about here?
Capstone, Artemis Program and the Gateway NASA is seeking for their Lunar Moonshot!
According to the Independent,
Nasa reschedules Artemis I launch for Saturday 3 September
After a scrubbing the launch scheduled for Monday, Nasa has agreed to make changes and try again on Saturday
According to NBC
If the test flight Saturday is called off due to weather, NASA officials said they could try again on Sept. 5.
The debut flight of NASA's uncrewed Space Launch System (SLS) rocket was scheduled to take place Monday, but the launch was called off after engineers encountered a temperature problem with one of the booster's core-stage engines as the rocket was being loaded with propellant.
Mission manager Mike Sarafin said in a news briefing Tuesday that teams have been investigating the issue at the launch pad and the agency will be ready to try the test flight, known as Artemis I, again this weekend.
Interesting name that.
NASA is now targeting a two-hour launch window Saturday at Florida's Kennedy Space Center, beginning at 2:17 p.m. EDT.
John Honeycutt, manager of the Space Launch System Program at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, said the problem may have been a faulty sensor on the rocket, but added that changes will be made to the fueling process on Saturday.
During Monday's liftoff attempt, a liquid hydrogen line used to cool the rocket’s core-stage engines malfunctioned partway through the launch countdown. The SLS's engines need to be cooled to cryogenic temperatures prior to launch to avoid shocking the system with ultracold fuel when ignited.
Sarafin said teams will begin the engine cooldown earlier in the launch countdown Saturday, which may help the systems reach the desired temperature prior to liftoff.
Isaiah 6:2
King James Version
2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
Revelation 4
4 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
7 And the first beast was like a lion,
Was 9.2.2022 the intended launch date the whole time?
I found this interesting article,
This is in for today,
A recent article states, ""NASA might grow more hostile against China in the space domain."
Do you find this interesting?
The Artemis Accords
How many nations have signed them?
Jetson White asks a Spot On question. . .Why is an "Artist's Rendering" needed?
Why not the Actual Photo of the Actual Orion Spacecraft? What gives?
Does this "spacecraft" even exist?
Is humanity being conned?
Is the moon much closer to us as it appears we are in a literal Captured Operation, not just for government as described in here,
Is the Russian Federation going to be conducting Military Tribunals in Mariupol Ukraine soon? Are Biden, Clinton, Bush, Pelosi Crime families are behind happenings in Ukraine. Will they do Anything to protect their interests? Will there be a NDE?
But LITERALLY Captured as a planet and Closed Off?
You decide!
See more evidence on playlists from Jetson White's channel found on YouTube and Rumble.
Are earth's skies run by technology?
Did they send you Clear messages in movies like with 2001: A Space Odyssey?
Is the moon the storage location for the reptilian consciousness?
Does it make sense that satan and his fallen would have come up with a plan to try to thwart God's plan?
Does #FutureProvePast?
Has that serpent of old, that GreatDragon as God calls him tricked humanity before for his own diabolical purposes?
Are the fallen trying to begin their Actual Space program. . .as many have pointed out, Space is Not what people perceive it to be.
Are the fallen, the reptilian race attempting to use their own advanced technology?
Is Their ultimate goal the same as our's. . .to Escape this dome environment?
Did God Almighty make yet another Way of Escape for His Creation as humanity is created in the Image of God?
Did the fallen with satan as their god try to usurp and co opt that human dna which came from God in order to attempt to use it to reanimate themselves as Zombies?
All a Joke?
All in fun?
Just Entertainment that they have seeded the conscious for a Zombie Apocalypse over and over?
Did you know that according to Universal Law they Have to tell you what they are doing before they do it to you?
Check it out!
Were you aware. . .
From the CDC stacks, NOTE the website URL or Universal Resource Locator address in top left,
Was it REALLY a "fun way to teach it?"
Are they laughing all the way to humanity's demise?
That was in 2011, why brought back up here,
Note once again the URL for their site page here,
If you are wondering how long they have been planning the following. . .note this pdf from Purdue University.
Note also Purdue University plays a role in Space Force that was set up under President Trump and the fact that Space Force has taken over satellite communications.
From the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering way back in 1962
Purdue, U.S. Space Force partner for program
The cradle of astronauts is sending more Boilermakers to the moon.
Purdue was one of the ten universities in the country identified by the United States Space Force for their university partnership program, Colonel Ken Callahan, the commander of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at Purdue, said.
Purdue President Mitch Daniels and Gen. David D. Thompson, the U.S. Space Force’s vice chief of space operations, signed a memorandum of agreement in Hovde Hall, according to a September press release by Purdue.
The memorandum accepted USSF’s invitation to join their university partnership program, aeronautics and astronautics professor Dan Delaurentis said.
As announced on and one of my latest Steemit articles. ..
Is the stage being set for a Battle? You decide!
From same article. . .
Also documented in this same article,
In World Economic Forum where they state their "Agenda."
Role-playing gamers are often spotty-faced teenagers – but on that May day, the bustling Berlin conference room was mostly filled with middle-aged men and women.
But then the players were not fighting zombies, dragons or alien invaders – they were senior government officials and experts at last year’s inaugural meeting of G20 health ministers.
And they were planning what to do if a deadly epidemic in a lower-income nation became a virulent global pandemic.
Source here,
All fun and games?
Why do they keep repeating it?
Is it just for tin foil hat wearers or are they Required to tell you before they do it to you? You decide!
What is #CONPLAN8888?
The disclaimer. . .does it remind you of the CDC's plans and claims all fun and games?
This above document states,
training tool. Planners who attended JPME II at the Joint Combined Warfighting School also
realized that training examples for plans must accommodate the political fallout that occurs if the
general public mistakenly believes that a fictional training scenario is actually a real plan. Rather
than risk such an outcome by teaching our augmentees using the ficti onal 'Tunisia" or "Nigeria"
scenarios used at JCWS, we elected to use a completely-impossible scenario that could never be
mistaken as a real plan .
Aid civil authoriti es in maintai ning law and order and restoring basic services during and
after a zombie attack
- (U) Defensive operations. Those operations aimed at monitori ng the environment for zombierelated threats and preparing capabilities to respond to the same . This plan's defensive branch
(within Annex C) details protective and preventive measures for humans in response to the threat
scenarios identifi ed in paragraph 6 below. The system of Zombie Conditions (Z-CONS or
ZOMBIECONS) will provide predetermined actions to proactive ly position the USSTRA TCOM
enterprise in response to threat indications and warning.
'4. (U) Offensive Operations.' Those operations where USSTRA TCOM has been directed to
eradicate zombie threats to human safety using military capabilities as aouthorized by POTUS
and SECDEF. Th is plan's "offensive" branch (within Annex C) and Annex S (STO) details the
neutralization (to render ineffective) of Zombie capabilities through denial , decepti on,
disruption, degradation or destruction . The system of ZOMBIECONS will proactively anticipate
and respond to increased GCC space capability requirements includi ng offensive space control
(U) CONDITIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION - (U) Conditions for Implementation
a. (U) Politico-Military Situation. Zombies are horribly dangerous to all human life and zombie
infections have the potential to seriously undermine national security and economic activities
that sustain our way of life. Therefore having a population that is not composed of zombies or at
risk from their malign infl uence is vital to U.S and Allied national interests. Wh ile the U.S
currently enjoys several asymmetric advantages in against zombie infections originating in the
Eurasian landmass, these advantages can easily be negated by a ir and sea traffic that could
transport the source of a zombie infection to North and South Ameri ca. Further, asteroids and
nuclear space radiation that can convert people into zombies can affect any landmass or
population on earth. Given the rapidity at which zombie outbreaks spread, decisive,
overwhelmi ng, and possibly unilateral military fo rce may be requ ired to negate the zombie threat.
b. (U) Plan Execution. CONPLAN 8888 is designed to be implemented across all 6 phases of
mili tary operations. When directed by POTUS or SECDEF, CDRUSSTRATCOM wi ll issue
execute specific actions form this plan . Th is plan is only designed to be impl emented if zombie
threats arise wh ich cannot be handled within the scope of the USSTRA TCOM Campaign Plan
NOTE the Pathogenic just as in their "entertainment" signaling and content!
I. ( ) SIZ's are zombie life forms originating from the introduction of a symbiant life form into
an otherwise healthy host Although the symptoms of symbiant zombieism is similar in most
regards to pathogenic zombeism, the symbiant does not kill the host organism quickly, or at all
However, there is no known way to save an organism after zombiesm has occurred-even if the
symbiant is removed.
Were they and their globalist cohorts not keen on Gain of Function?
How the Fauci emails were obtained and the Tells inside!
Do you understand what all the Mel Brooks book and movie were signaling?
How did they know WELL before any of the coronavirus info came on the scene and was pumped out through their corporate owned media on your Tell a Vision Boxes where they literally TELL you the vision they want you to have?
Check this out. . .
The book World War Z and movie staring Brad Pitt featuring a World Wide virus that originated in China, but due to sensitivity the studio was Required to change the script for the origination of the virus to be in Korea. WHY the need to lie back in 2006?
Why did they force them to change the wording of the movie script?
What is the deal with this Songbird movie?
Do they signal to you their plans for more Fear porn and controls through way of lockdowns and controlling you with your health the way Nazi Germany did back in the day under the guise of health, yet it was blatant racism and eugenics as witnessed by this document in the New England Journal of Medicine. . .just look at the name, then skim it if not familiar as it is as RACIST as it comes, yet THESE tactics were Just used on the world!
Trying to Control people through their health and promising better health in the face of FEAR!
Note it is categorized under Eugenics. . .the American Eugenics Society did fitter fairs all over the United States about 100 years ago, then the American Eugenics Society kept changing it's name.
Bill Gates and George Bush have grandfather's that were part of that society.
Always changing names so people don't as easily recognize their evil?
Did we not just Experience this after Bill Gates Event 201 of what he called Tabletop Games for a Pandemic Simulation where all of the Globalists with monetary interests were labelled as Players?
Do they not TELL you what they are doing as the brainwashed continue to say Nah, not happening Even though it is Happening right before their eyes and under their noses?
Get this. . .Bill Gate's Event 201 he put on IN conjunction with the WEF or World Economic Forum [whom Bill Gates had worked in conjunction with getting funding for vaccines for at least 10 years] was funded by one of the founders of Facebook Dustin Moskovitz and wife Cari Tuna [worked for Wall Street Journal] that EVENT 201 held on the very same day as the 7th World Military Games in Wuhan China which praised the UN and UN soldiers as some of the featured "Players" at Bill Gate's event were from the UN.
Just a mere #Coincidence? #ThereAreNoCoincidences!
Check these out if not familiar. ..Eery? Chilling? You decide!
My research notes are provided in description with full sources if no time to listen or if you would rather skim.
To see my following fully sourced playlist go here,
Songbird Movie trailer
This is my MESSAGE to you!* What message are they delivering yet too many are asleep or have given in to the mind numbing brainwashing to not hear it? #BoiledFrog syndrome much? That is what the globalist cabal cult counts on to get their way in their war against humanity as satan Hates us since we are created in God's image!
They put this out in 2020. ..THINK about that!
Three Little Birds ( Don't Worry About a Thing ) - Bob Marley
When Does a Bird SING?
Have you seen this series? Also spells it out!
It's about a Genius Scientist who made horrible viruses! Not even my words, but how this trailer opens!
Do they Have to tell you? Have they fulfilled their obligation? You decide!
Utopia – Official Trailer
Hear what he says at the opening of the following Utopia trailer. . ."It's about a Genius Scientist who made horrible viruses!"
Not even my words, but how this trailer opens!
Do they Have to tell you? Have they fulfilled their obligation? You decide!
NOTE the question in the following #utopia trailer,
"How much evil do you have to do to do good?"
Notice how the previously used "genius doc" finally GETS it and says "NONE, none evil!" I believe THAT is part of the battle cry for those of us who have been pitted against these wicked entities since Day 1! Continue to #FightTheGoodFight
Will drop Songbird Trailer again. I have also been fulfilling my obligation as a Messenger for the high command! #SomeWillChooseNotToKnow
Thank you to all who have the second sight and #eyesthatsee, #EyesToSee
The above from a post on my Facebook Page today on August 31, 2022
Here they spell out the bio weapons and warfare many of us have tried to tell people about for years now.
Ukraine labs Verification in Kiev and what it is all connected to. FL Foster Dad child sex abuse.
Isn't it interesting the algorithm for #FightTheGoodFight?
Also an 11!
Facebook Frames World War Z and a movie staring Brad Pitt featuring a World Wide virus that originated in China, but due to sensitivity the studio was Required to change the script for the origination of the virus to be in Korea. WHY was there a need to lie back n 2006?
The DCD stacks from here is interesting because of the following,
Interesting it is a CDC Stack. . .as stacks were talked about in the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in 2018 Check it out. . .Upload your "consciousness?" They May as well include Conscience!
Purchase a human sleeve? A booth for Altered Carbon at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas 2018. How about a Cortical Stack? Is the promise of immortality a delusional illusion? Great Deception anyone? Fully sourced article here,
Cloning Programming Psychasec booth at CES featuring a human sleeve, cortical stack a consciousness Upload. Have you seen the Boys from Brazil? Gemini Man? Predictive Programming? They have to Tell you before they Do it to You!
Consider this. . .has satan, that serpent of old Ever left anything to chance?
Is he a planner?
A master planner?
Has he evidenced time and time again that he plays the long game?
Just how long do you think it will be allowed to play out?
Does he have a way to reanimate his fallen troops?
Have they signaled this as their 8.8 Lions Gate date which is 9.3.2022 as satan and his cabal cult go by the lunar calendar and not the Gregorian one we have been forced under?
Is there an opening in the heavens at the top of the dome through the sun gate to give him access at a certain moment in time for access to the crystal Jesus took back after he died on the cross? You decide!
Don't both sides of Good vs Evil have the same ultimate agenda?
Eternal life?
Yet, what kind of eternity has the Beast System signaled over and over?
Does it not revolve around transhumanism as signaled in their content?
Jetson White and Nancy with their latest update video report give this supporting evidence,
Yet Beyond the date of 9.3.2022 I find in information out there while wandering through the documentation, addresses and dates out there in digital land. . .
Do you find the dates, address and numbers associated interesting?
I am seeing 22 [which is 11 two times as you know] all over this stuff, how about you?
What is 22 months from November 3 of 2020?
12 months would have passed by November of 2021
Did that 22 month period literally fall on 9.3.2022?
Did something odd happen in time?
Note this date from one of the sites in my latest article. . .
Note how this is worded,
Remember what was stated by the Ulra Q Nuclear account on Telegram?
Do you find this wording interesting?
So Big "Earth would disappear in it?"
Remember when this happened in 2012?
According to SyFy
On August 31, the Sun threw a major tantrum. It started with a vast arc of material towering over its surface, a stream of plasma flowing between two sunspots. Sometimes these collapse back down to the Sun's surface, but this one exploded, blasting hundreds of millions of tons of material out into space.
Interesting this event Also happened on 9.3 but of 2012
Finally, I'll add that this amazing solar eruption traveled outward at about 1500 kilometers per second (900 miles/second) and nicked the Earth's magnetic field on September 3, sparking aurorae in extreme latitudes.
From Nature World News,
As reported by Natural World News,
A "dangerous sunspot" known as active region 3089 (AR3089) is currently facing Earth. It has the tendency to emit a major solar flare is likely to strike our planet in the coming hours and days, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). A renewed solar storm could disrupt our Blue Planet's radio and satellite technologies, as well as the global positioning system (GPS).
X-class solar flares are the strongest out of the three-tier scale used by astronomers to determine the intensity and impact of these solar storms toward Earth.
Yet, with the current angle of the dangerous sunspot directly pointing at Earth, space weather authorities and enthusiasts are reporting that a powerful solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) could occur at any time.
A former National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) astronomer, Dr. Tony Phillips, wrote on and questioned if the temporary quietness in the Sun is just the calm before the storm, as cited by Forbes.
Let's Catch this Wording shall we?
"So WHAT" say the normies all while looking a little dead in the eyes like zombies!
Do you suppose any of them remember when our Commander and Chief Trump who is still recognized as the big, true P stated. . .
President Donald Trump: 'It's The Calm Before The Storm' | NBC News
When I Tried to tell some people I know well this. . .Deer in the headlights look and as if I had grown three heads! LOL
The rest of what Dr. Tony Phillips said includes the following;
The sunspot cataloged as AR3089 has been mellow, but that doesn’t mean it’s going away. Rather, Phillips says “it has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares.”
That’s the strongest class of flare, but there is quite a bit of variation within the X-class, which can produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs on the most intense end of the scale.
Interesting? Today's feature photo from 9.6.2022
Francois was photographing the sun in Africa.
More #TimeAnomalies?
From the Forbes article questions and comments and She is Right!
Time anomalies? You decide? Diamonds are Forever. ..what kind of battery life and multiple meanings! Sure has been Off the Charts including latest sunspots and auroras! Where are you Really? Does Future Prove Past? You decide!
See more verification of Sacred Geometry and how it has been used since ancient times with full sources here,
Literal Connections between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Sacred Geometry in the Pyramid and the Bible. Did not the Alpha and Omega create the Physics of it All?
Exploring and manipulating the behavior of polar vortices in material may lead to new technology for faster data transfer and storage from Argonne National Lab Press Release on emergent phenomena. New Type of Matter? Will Photonic chips bring change?
As Nikola Tesla said, If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. How To Use Space Better. Everything we experience is based on vibration. Everything is energy Vibrating at a certain frequency!
Incredible Proof that it really IS the END of the World As We KNOW it! A series of short videos exposing the darkness right under people's noses and Literally Beneath their feet!
When Earth Rang Like a Bell initiating off Mayotte Coast on 11.11.2018. Brittany Spears Abusive?
Or read/skim here with full footage of witnesses some news reports and verification from National Geographic
When Earth Rang Like a Bell and some scientists said it sounded like music on 11.11.2018 found here with complete sources for news footage shown on the Blue Light in New York City in Dec. where some were saying it looked like the End of the World [perhaps it IS with emphasis on As We Know It!]
What is the meaning of more Geomagnetic Storms, the Aurora Borealis being seen all over the world. Signs of the times and in the sky the Bible Talks about? A Rapture Event? Are you more than a body? Check out the verified signs!
What is Giant Voice. Tweeted prior to PreZ Trump's Suspension. Military Mass Comm System? Here is the evidence. History, Power and Reach of FEMA.
As seen at the beginning of this vid that was removed from YT because it has Verified Evidence they couldn't deny!
Under 7min. Fully Sourced!
We have been in this Spiritual War for a Long Time now!
Donald Trump "Silent Running" (Can you hear me running) Inspirational
See more inside of here with verification,
****Silent Running! Who out there have been running silently and are ready for the Dark to turn to LIGHT? What truly lies beneath and who were sworn to obliterate the evil!**
#Starlink, #NCSWIC, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing
Operation Alert Continuity of Government More evidence and a merger with Great Voice/FEMA historical article of bunkers throughout the US in Minds
For a well done video go here,
Thank you Jetson White and Nancy for all the amazing work you do! May God continue to bless you both!
'LEAD-UP' Update 3
#Rapture, #ZombieApocalypse, #EndTimes, #Capstone, #Artemis, #MariupolTribunals, #RaptureEvent, #GreatTribulation, #BibleProphecy, #ArtemisAccords, #NASA, #LionsGate, #GreatPyramid, #SpaceForce, #threesixnine, #ninethreesix, #LaunchPadthirtynine, #Orion, #Songbird, #Utopia, #Pandemic, #Biowarfare, #Bioweapons, #Zombies, #Zombie
What is the real purpose of Starlink? To Set Up a Global Wi-Fi Communications System Based on Quantum Technology Rather than Through Transmission of EMF? You Decide! Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Expand Your Thinking? MIT Tech Review!
Starlink Military Application and all you need to know about Starlink. Evidence The Plan is moving forward with countries United Together. Historical Reforger and Defender 20 USEUCOM's Readiness
#Staarlink, #USCOM