We Need To Question The Motives Of Those Who Call For Regulation Over Cryptocurrency

in #endthefed7 years ago

In 2008, a technology was introduced to the world that has the power to replace all financial systems globally.

This technology, as financial analyst Mike Maloney points out in his recent episode of Hidden Secrets of Money, cannot be manipulated, subverted, corrupted, or cheated and effectively works to invert the power structure and put power back in the hands of the individual.

Full Consensus Distributed Ledger Technology

The technology has been used to create what's referred to as the world's very first digital currency, cryptocurrency, known as Bitcoin. And since then, the technology has been used to create many other coins but it's potential goes far beyond that.

This technology could contribute to a major paradigm shift in the area of currency and global trade, effectively helping to put central banks around the world out of business. And since the inception of the Federal Reserve back in 1913, with its self-destructive monetary policies, it's eroded over 90 percent of the purchasing power for Americans.

The Federal Reserve and central banks have rightly been criticized as the biggest scam to be perpetrated on humanity. Ending central banks seems like it would tremendously benefit humanity.

“[This technology] is so powerful that if captured and controlled, it could enslave all of humanity.” - Mike Maloney

It's only been a few years, and there is still a long way to go yet. But this technology could drastically transform the world around us in ways that something like the internet has helped to change our life and improve our standard of living.

This technology could bring an incredible amount of new prosperity if allowed to remain free.

In a centralized monetary system, it matters who is in control and what their motives are, and if they've got motives that go against what is in your best interest then you're going to have problems.

Cryptocurrencies are described as being light years ahead of the current technology that we've got today. And a great deal of people around the world are already using them to do a variety of things, including paying for everyday goods like hotels, food, airplane tickets, and more. We're here on steemit earning some right now!

Many people are worried about what might happen when the government decides to get more involved with this technology in the future. And it's important to question the motives of the people who might want to crackdown on this technology because it is a tool that could free humanity in many ways.



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Thanks for sharing! As you state, blockchain is a tool, and I believe it will transcend geographical, socio economic, and political boundaries.

If harnessed in the right way, blockchain has the potential to scale second and third world countries at a micro and macro level. Essentially jumpstarting centralized systems/processes and leapfrogging social classes. People can immediately start creating value as global citizens.

I think 2018 will be the year of bureaucratic pushback from the Fed, Wallstreet, and "disruptive" big tech companies like Facebook that sell our data and continue to show disdain for privacy. Microsoft already stopped accepting Bitcoin because it is "unstable."

Regardless, exciting times and I am glad to be witnessing it. I agree it could free humanity, in a sense. All the best

There are always those who will want to control the blockchain and the coins the distribution and the methods, we live in a time where their is a choice and in a period where the old Entrenched models are difficult for new individuals to invest into the old system of stocks that made the bankers rich and now it is a chance for the youth to take the lead.

It's the revolution of the 21st century and it is just as important as all the proceeding ones expect this time it's financial and global.

The governments will try to gain control, but each one of us has a head start with this technology because we are using it and spreading the word.

So, Steem On!

Hopefully the wave is too big and they all drown while we surf all the way to the moon :)

Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money

The new tax laws in the U.S. seem entirely aimed at crippling the legal use of any crypto as a transferable currency. It's ridiculous.

They dont like people to have freedom @doitvoluntarily ! This way they can control the populous much easier , and Greed is number one for the government !! Lets hope we all get rich riding the Steem wave before they get their Huge Grubby Mitts into it and screw everything up like they always do !!😀👍👍👍✌Upped and resteemed my friend !!

"In 2008, a technology was introduced to the world that has the power to replace all financial systems globally"

False these systems can not handle the amount of transactions that go on in the world thus they currently have failed to be a currency that takes over the world.

you grossly underestimate this technology 😉👍

its really mind blowing what the world and humanity as a whole has achieved in a short period of time with blockchain technology, there has been wealth creation and redistribution like has never been and we can only look forward to better thing to come with each improvements of this technology

The way the ones in power stay in power is to ensure that those beneath them stay beneath them. I believe tgere is fear amongst the "big men" that decentralised systems would cripple their monopoly on power and wealth.

Money being laundered daily around the world with the current banking systems and fiat currencies by these same men who cry foul "that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies aids money launderers."
In my country Nigeria,there is still relative freedom on the issue of cryptocurrencies.

got that right!

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