RE: Homeschooling and homesteading with a chronic invisible illness
I also have endometriosis. My pain is much better now that I am much older. I was also told that my pain would get better after surgery. It did not. My doctor said that my endometriosis was the worst that he had seen. I was also told that it would go away after I had kids. It did not. With both, it got better for a while, but came back just as bad. I remember my doctor asking if my endometriosis was bad enough that it put me in bed. I also remember the look on his face when I explained to him, as a young girl, that I didn't have time for that. I would be in bed every day. I did not let it slow me down until the pain was so bad that I passed out.
I agree that nobody talks about it for some reason. I had one friend in college that had it, but I am not aware of any of my other friends having it. And nobody really understands that pain unless she lives with it everyday. I'm sorry that you have to go through that.
Your kids are fortunate to have you as their teacher. You are teaching them so much more than the daily lessons that you had intended to teach.
Man that’s messed up. 😢
I really don’t like or trust doctors, from what my mom and I have gone through.
We are not guinea pigs!
Also thanks, I try my best, but even homeschoolers have to take the last test to get their diploma. I am worried that they won’t be able to pass it. The “knowledge” they teach in public school doesn’t even get used 80% of the time. But they want us to have it for that hypothetical 20%.
I got my GED with a 10 grade education, public school failed me. Long sad story, it truly is. Anyways, thanks 💗