Apocalypse / Armageddon / Annihilation - The Messiah's JudgementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #end7 years ago (edited)

It is time to recognise we are living in the End Times right now!! I'm literally talking RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT!! 

Some people might think this is not important, some might ignore this, some might careless about this, some might deny this, some might treat it as a joke, some might dismiss it or some might ridicule it. But the fact is fact. No one can able to change the fact. 

The End Times is happening right now at a very intense rate like we never seen before on earth. Each day is getting more serious, serious and serious. We are presently seeing a lot of extinction level events like the Battle of Armageddon (World War 3), Nibiru's devastating effect on earth, high number of asteroid/fireball/ice-teroid strike, earthquake, volcano eruption, severe flooding just like in the days of Noah, unprecedented rate of typhoon/hurricane/tsunami happening, wildfire, heat wave, unprecedented climate changes, diseases and other God's Final Chastisement. 

However, there is a true reason behind the End Times happening right now.

The End Times is a stern warning message from the Messiah to teach humanity to get rid of the old unethical ways , be humble, learn the truth and come to him. 

Wrath and Destruction Prophecy 

Matthew 10:34 & Revelation 2:16 Prophecy 

Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

Revelation 2:16 "Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth."

The book of Revelations is currently unfolding. Nowhere does it indicate that when the Messiah returns that he will be returning with smiles and  sunshine, or peace and goodwill for all. It is made perfectly clear that his purpose is to hand out Justice and Judgement.

Love is not about smiles and sunshine and telling others what they want to hear. It is about loving them enough to tell them the absolute truth with no sugar-coating.

When you are in a mall, and you see a bratty child get disciplined, and then act accordingly, do you take pleasure in seeing that child corrected? When a murderer is caught and brought to justice, do you feel satisfaction? The Messiah does not enjoy suffering at all. He enjoys seeing things made right and he brings justice to the world. If the Messiah came back and handled things differently than prophecy said he would, he wouldn't be the true Messiah.

We are currently in the Jewish Year 5778 (The Messiah's Jubilee Year). The time suitable for the Messiah's enthronement, the beginning of his reign on earth and the establishment of the Messiah's new kingdom. 


The time to prepare is RIGHT NOW. Learn the truth and come to the Messiah. 

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More End Times Information:


The signs are obvious!

Thanks for not sugar coating it and presenting the truth to people! Well done!

Thank you, Archbishop Donnie, very interesting article.

As of tonight we OFFICIALLY enter the year 5778 according to God's proclamation in Exodus 12:2

Myself, I know it is the end of days. The signs are to huge to miss!

Truly, RayEl is handing out Justice and Judgement.

There is no denying what is coming and that Christ is here now !

People hear news like this and the few intelligent enough to take it seriously will usually shy away in favor of pleasant distraction. For the few who face this with the full armor of the Lord see only hope, however.

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