English breakfast
This is english breakfast from 180 coffee and music
Menu for brunch ( breakfast and lunch)
English breakfast use sour dough bread
The taste a sour and little bit chewy,but after you grill the dough for 1 minute is crunchy out side and soft inside..
We use garlic aioli for dressing, sauted mushrom, caramelize onion,scrambled eggs and beef brisket for side dish..
Ingredients :
- sour dough
- garlic aioli
- curly lettuce
- lollo rosso lettuce
- sauted mushroom
- caramelize onion
- scrumbled eggs
- beef brisket
- french fries
It's a great dish for a weekend!!I like it!!! You make me hungry with this menu, really nice.
Yeahh this's a great dish for brunch and weekend..
Thx my friend