Empower your employees through Tryvium Desk
All you Need to know and how we can help you build it.
We are fighting battles everyday, trying to develop the business, beat the competition and sometimes even trying to survive. If your technology is not supporting your business and your customer needs, then you are on the backfoot.
Sensiple along with Microsoft empowers your organization and accelerates Agent & Customers experience as the Modern/Digital workspace continue to evolve. We continue to accelerate employees work environment to create an agile, high performing & Empowered workforce.
"Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. It's as simple as that. Healthy, engaged employees are your top competitive advantage." - Richard Branson
Some of the key challenges faced by larger enterprises in service management.
Lack of Omnichannel Experience
The omnichannel movement is everywhere. As many as 45 percent of organizations taking an omnichannel approach saw an increase in average business and experienced increase in loyal customers.
Omnichannel allows users to experience consistency over traditional channels. Users can move from one channel of engagement to another without any interruptions. Omnichannel approach means a seamless journey of continuity, from the first touch point of support till resolution of service and beyond.
Numerous Requests, Recurring issues, Long resolution times
Phone calls are especially time consuming, especially with numerous requests recurring & unresolved issues., they flood the queues quickly and sometimes take a long time to resolve. there are a variety of common issues that the help desk has to deal with regularly, which means a lot of time is wasted doing repetitive task. Common issues like password resets take up to 50% of the helpdesk volume.
Lack of Multilingual Capabilities
In an era of globalization, business continue to grow and expand internationally. Providing multilingual support to global users can be really challenging. Ultimately, hiring regional agents isn’t a practical solution for any service management.
Analytics & Data Visualization
According to a recent survey over 55% of the organizations are dissatisfied with their data Analytical capabilities. These days there are more data to gather and metrics to capture for a better customer experience and Agents productivity. Failing to measure them correctly would end up in jeopardy. Better Metrics & analytics means better decision making.
Customer Context/Personalized Customer experience
Customer always expect your Support desk agents to "know who they are, what they are calling about, and have insights about their previous contact history. In short, they want a informed and personalized service.
Intelligent Routing
In a recent survey 95 % of the companies are randomly routing customer calls either to the First available agent or Longest available agent. In the current economy, it is all about user experience and there is no room for random.
This is where Intelligent routing comes into the picture to create a new type of user experience. Intelligent routing provides frictionless user experience by routing issues/queries to the right agents in the first attempt. Routing can be configured in many ways according to the user’s needs like Skill based routing, Priority routing, off business hours routing and so on.
All-In-One Solution
A common issue that most of the organization face is, employees spend most of their time trying to toggle between Tools & information which results in Long chat queue time and frequent chat disconnections ending up in rigid end user experience.
How can we help to fill in the grey areas.
• Tryvium powers all available collaborative platforms and integrates them with a set of innovatively built components to provide a unique platform that provides a comprehensive Omni-channel/Multi channel solution along with a set of Agent experience features.
• Tryvium leverages Jenie chatbot to automate your users day-to-day and repetitive requests.
• Tryvium supports High quality, real-time multilingual communications. Enter a real-time translation technology that can help IT service desks to overcome language barriers.
• Tryvium enables an Admin console to scale, monitor and optimize the performance of bots and agents in real-time basis and also features a dashboard/reporting solution.
• Tryvium Integrates with enterprise systems and sentiment dashboards to provide 360 degree view of the user.
• Tryvium understands user intent and lets the agent to gain visibility on the issue they are contacting for along with information about previous interactions.
• Tryvium leverages a Single console (Microsoft Teams) for agents to handle multiple channels – Voice, Chat, Case Creation, Viewing user information and much more.
We do things differently, and focus on transforming Employee empowerment in their workplace. Happy Employees, Happy customers and Happy business. To know more download our ebook or request for a demo. https://www.botomation.ai/insights/ebooks/empower-your-employees-through-tryvium-desk