FIrst Contact with A German supporting the 5th reich (eurasia)

in #emperorsweecee5 years ago

You can read the original version here, if you speak the "master-race" language

so from @geiwoyibeipijiu @jeannedarc

For disclaimer I used a common translation service, so maybe I am missing an important part of the meaning. So don't take too seriously my comment. And he or the service could have missed a basic negation somewhere.

1st. The master-race language : I am always deeply shocked when I read such comment like here. About how a barbarian language using LATIN gramatick pretends to be the all to be in all of all language. We are far from the grace, consistency and efficiency of the language of the official in China. Furthermore I am personally a deep lover of American slangs, even if most of the time I can't get at first what it is talk about as naturally it's the produce of the "melting pot". So to those germanophone supremacists aroung the world, I will just say, I like my hamburgers with cheese and bacon, and will continue to do so, what ever you say. Beef, chicken, pig, fish, who knows, rabbits? hehehe :) !

2nd There is no better grass roots movement that the story of the United States of America, our rat tag army, defeated the most powerful empire at the time... we don't intent to stop. Thread on us... at your risk and perils. We will never meet. With China we can have multilateral under our conditionality (maershmeier) continuing prosperous and peaceful relation. In all events, China town's of Amerca will remain, not by the gov will, but BY OUR WILL, WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (of Chinese descent). Don't Thread on US. I think you don't understand US. many have learned it the hard way. We are transcendentally of Chinese Origin But American Firsters, among the hardest !

3rd You work with censorship, brain washing and conditioning, your recent attack on those children and their grand mother is a clear demonstration of the real continuity of your real doctrines. Revealing your true intentions.

4rd My enemies must and will die. By refusing to collaborate and join my side (I use this term a lot... hehehe), you have signified your allegiance for the other side (permeation of the frontline doctrine, I guess, the spread :D). Those people want to censor me (are against the 1st Amendement), Want to take my Guns away (2nd and most SACRED RIGHT WE HOLD (as it's sunday we rarely (never) hear Luke 22:36 in the 4th reich, but I don't go, so I could be bias), and of course support the rapes, lives in fear of countless germans women and men. We remember that all aren't like you. We will kill your masters again and see if you can free yourselves, we don't need your help, who do you think we are? german civilians? It's just to double, triple and quadruple check our review systems, and give you an opportunity to participate in your liberation, like the french had (from your ways btw, it's not the ways that changed, just the policy).

5th You don't have to fear the citizens of the Empire, we are buzy, I take a little of my time on this issue, but if you are one day to fear US, you will be a dead walking. We rampage, we arm, we trade, we finance, and worst never stop. Some of your friends called us "pitbulls", we can play jellyfish, be assured. That's one of the greatest power of our melting pot, all are free, but thread on US... May God have mercy on your souls... to use a classical one. or simply. MYP and DIE.

  1. this is where you failed to understand US, we aren't "anglo americans" that's what you see, if you knew our Arts of War, you would already have joined us, sadly, I think with stupid people from all around the world, we have to threat them like rabbid dogs, or "coyotes" (poor coyottes, yeah yeah, he deserved it, this one... always a CAUSE) even if I prefer dialogue always with the wild... the true art of earth.

  2. You will be the enemy of China MAINLAND CORE... We will not tolerate any interference in our legitimate and fully compatible with american survival imperatives from anyone. We just need MAGA to succeed so that our domestic expansion can continue on it's pace. Are we less by being second on the moon? And as said the USA is us too, where is the most important daughter of China? In germany with the hordes of Child rapists invaders? see? think.

  3. You words prove the point of view of France at versailles, It may even illustrate that France wasn't though enough, we should maybe have genocided the entire germanic tribes. At least your words and the german gov actions prove it. I am sorry to think it, but it's a fact, now you even convinced makron and his buddies (the collaborators) to want to force vaccinate children? worst than nazis, at least they were clear, like you. I always respect and value that. Honesty.

  4. I am with John... I don't know what this man you seem to love wrote, and don't care, as John version is clear : fight us die.

  5. you mean the big state north and our hide out south? of course, as we say don't there, no one get's in the trade for pesos... :D. Ah america... the New World !

  6. You east from China right? it makes a while :D. but some say it's on Mars... others beyond the moon (ie the stars)... like on OUR FLAGS !

  7. I don't think that merkel has any friends, she is just part, even without her realizing of one of the biggest enemy organization against the sovereignty of the United States of America, and if WE the WAR EMPIRE could endure Obama for 8 years, know, that NOTHING on earth can stop us. Who knows maybe like in GoW there are locusts under ground, and even there, we will fight our way out of this hell... why? Guns Religion ! Did you think the germans people would support your kind long enough if we launch a truth campaign in Germany? How long before they ask to gaz all of your kinds? when we start to show on tv the rapes victims, release the video footage, show the judges, the eastern sex trades, the wealth of your "elites", how long? 1 day? 2 day? Wolfwagen intentional soft kill participation... and if you think that in China we will not crush your high maintenance cost so called automobile, is that really you don't get the pionner spirit !

13 the center of europe? you mean are you real? Versailles? Eiffel Tower? Genova, Venice, Rome, Napoli, what are we for you? idiots, like your dear fuhrer believe? no we just chill... what more can we build? and for what reason, we prefer to love our families and spend time with them... We will never be able to redo the might of Rome, not because we can't but simply because we have other priorities, those cats love those fishes... oolalaal :D. The italian way of life... and you really do think that you have something to offer us? you really are too stuck due to the rigidity of your grammaticks.

  1. You mean, our rogue trader from the North with his little "franchise"... dream on. That one thing we learned in France, the motherland border is a SACRED LINE. have you seen our friends in dumbass, marked and unmarked, we would be sad to have to flash again berlin, but rest assured, we will not be ruled by anyone but ourselves. And as russian is too an imperial language know that we will know you before you even realize that we do... And have you seen our "friends" in brighton, miami ,la, chiraq, or the caraibians, they don't go to "the wonder full uber mensh land", in courchevel we know them, in the south we know them, they tip well, but we know, to not mess with them. Why? do they do problems? no... at least no more than drunk french:), but germans, we don't know you, we don't see you, and we prefer lambos... you see? porshe are for men who don't know to drive and don't understand the limo life style... (always stuck in this traffic... bring us the parking at the place of the un building), or start one in Miamia or around...

15 what has "germany" done for europe but causes war, problem and division? who do you think you are, an habsbourg? WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL DEFEAT ALL. IN MAINLAND CORE CHINA don't dream, round eyes, we always seek feed,

  1. why don't you want to annex Africa to your 5th reich? obama forbidden it to you?

17, Rest assured, the Sunnahs will not surrender. If you think the persian are serious about their beliefs, we speak in the same way, at least we can really try for most of us and some really do.

the future always lie above... the heaven...

so please can you suicide yourself like all your mentors, you aren't better than goebbels, hitler and co, however I am not sure that you will be able to see defeat earlier as them... why? Was it a double game all along, or just as you prove it, a pathological pattern from an hybrid language? you don't see the grace of italian, this vulgar and vernacular language? keep out with your agents.

keep out from greece

leave spain

return to your filths, son and daughters of hitler, you have just proven us again what you are.

And there I join the "gang", be careful germans, we never forget, never forgive, and now me, I have good hope on their progress toward OUR GOAL, to make of them ROMAN SOLDIERS ! :D !

that's a joke... you know, you will have to defeat Israel for your project... I think the last century proved them the RIGHTEFULLNESS OF OUR WAYS ! bu they learn fast, after all compared to their "legacy" it's quite easy...

as said we raise LEGIONS for the GLORY OF ROME... for the rest, do as you wish, we don't care, we are buzy... see the loop? I think we failed with people like you. Or is it a lost cause? and that's my point to Maincore CHINA, we don't need those useless risk, sail along... each is boat and let us handle the threats... It's the only thing we really know, the rest... we don't have the time for it... as sad as it maybe, that's the reality of the EMPIRE OF WAR !

it doesn't make us bad people, just buzy... and again we didn't wrote the laws of war... we just know them, better than the waves...

I am sure that Wernher loved America, like Sikorsky, or all the others we rarely mention... or even never, we respect privacy of those who seek it...

we are different... WE ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, or as said even more brillantly : WE THE PEOPLE

however dear @geiwoyibeipijiu thanks for your message, but try please to write in a civilized language next time, again it's not because it use the grammatick of a civilized language that it is... you should know that.

best regards.

ps 3rd reich hitler
4 reich eu ruled by berlin using bruxelles as decoy
5 reich eurasia
6 reich the earth
7 reich the solar system
8 reich the galaxy

who is gonna stop their madness, because some will... and as said I AM WITH THE EMPIRE OF WAR always has always be...

and as they say : Takbir ! the true flag is black, nothing else, as if we hadn't the time, but in reality we always have the time, so you see... we have so many...



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