That nothing has happened in general Now we will

in #emotions7 years ago

That nothing has happened in general Now we will drink it and let's get it started and we'll see the bells turned on and the birch pipe is poured in. What good are these here, the pairs should be ignited from the cylinder, we close the whole thing and maybe we should not shut down. not going! Cork Well, let's get started let's see how it all works out everything is fine Everything's cool, I'm getting pretty good and Let's see what Well you do not want Well, everything works fine, but just does not stoop to tree-sticks Well, look what she gets up to pour gasoline yet I wants Japanese technology to work on gasoline instead of oil That's a pancake No she does not want to start a pancake a threshold can you taliesin turned out after you poured petrol there there actually is now a big big level or first it was wound up but after that it is safe ceased to start a little picks up and further into the toilet due to the fact that too much of these gasoline fumes are walking on the map to rut somehow they fall into the cylinder But it's navryatli and most likely the thought is that it was this cylinder that washed away the oil of course completely the compression fell because it really is just picking up podtraivaet How to fill in the engine when here in winter people spin can not start the engine for a long time


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