Informative supplement B: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Metrics
Table 20: IMC Metrics and Industry Averages
Cost per message
Quit rate
Reaction time
Site stickiness
Active clicking factor (CTR)
Cost per Click (CPC) Conversion Rate
Client Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Definition 1 Formula I Online Averages Cost per thousand impressions 1 $7 - $1 5 for flags' Cost to send an email/Less than $0.01~ Cost = Number of Emails I Total cost CPM = (Total Cost 1 Impressions) x 1000 $75 - $200 for email ads2 $20 - $40 for email newsletter2
Percent who quit an email list Rate = Opt-out Number 1 Total number Time between sending email and snap
Ranges in the vicinity of 0.2% and 0.5%~
85% inside 48 hours3
through reaction
Length of remain as followed on site
Cost for every guest from promotion click CPC = Total Ad Cost 1 Clicks Percent of individuals who bought from add up to number of guests Conversion Rate = Orders 1 Visitors Total advertising expenses to gain a client
Fluctuates 44 seconds for each page8
log Number of snaps as percent of aggregate impressions CTR = Clicks 1 Impressions
I Varies broadly
0.3% - 0.8% for flags 'j5 2.4% for rich media ads5 3.2% - 10% for od-in emai13"
Google.com from few # to few $ 1.8% for websites6 1 5% for emailg
$82 for online retail unadulterated plays $31 for multi-channel block and mortar retailers I Sources: E-Marketing by Judy Strauss, Adel El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost (2003). Prentice Hall. c~allerman(2002); 2data from www.eMarketer.com; 3~aunders(2001); 4~allogly and Rolls (2002); Doubleclick Ad Serving ..." (2002); 'information from shop.org; 'information from www.computerworld.com; 8 information from www.nielsen-netratings.com; g~ricewaterhouse~oopers, LLP (2002)l "Republished with authorization by Pearson Education Canada". p.392
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