Fast Email Tips
Fast Email Tips:
Should I be worried about sending emails to subscribers?
Well why do you have an email list?
Isn’t it to send emails to subscribers?
Don’t be afraid to lose a subscriber.
The whole point of having an email list is to make money if you don’t send email then why have a list.
To make money you have to send email with an offer of some kind the more you send the more you should be able to make.
When is the best time of day to send an email?
A great time to send email to You List is Between 11:00 and 12:00 pm EST because on the east & west coasts people are awake and in Australia it is morning time.
Test different times to see what time works best for you.
When is the worst time to send an email?
On holidays and on weekends.
What is the best day to send an email.
Wednesday is a good day but as with anything test which is best for you. Each day of the week will catch someone but weekends are the worst in my experience.
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