Levelnaut Philosophy

in #elven3 years ago

The truth is that the creators of the Elven coin have got a philosophy, something you will appreciate. In simple terms, philosophy refers to a certain way of thinking that transcends over our actions.

Once, you understand the philosophy behind the Elven coin, you will agree with me that it is worthwhile to be part of this project.

The Elven coin is a token that supports humanity and human aspirations. It supports empowerment of human beings. Now, in simple terms Elven Coin represents humanity- the preservation and maintenance of the human dignity.

You can understand this deeper part of reality if you know the various concepts that form the Elven economy or the Levelnaut community.

How can you conclude this aspect? We do so by analyzing a few terms and explanations associated with the Levelnaut project at large. Here they are:

Levelnaut: “Levelnaut is a person, that is, a traveller in time and space, who goes through various levels of his self-development.” In other words, this is a person who is growing in one way or another. The person may achieve a new economic level.

This is the reason for having levelnaut.biz, where we educate people on how to invest safely and earn a decent life. There is economic empowerment offered here. The reason behind this is that a person cannot earn a decent life, without having economic resources or income.

Also, with the Levelnaut biz project, we aim to help innocent people not to be cheated or scammed. You can tell the humanity in this focus.

Read more about levelnaut here: https://levelnaut.com/2021/02/14/levelnaut-new-definition/

PozitUrbo: The other term that points to the philosophy of Elven point is PozitUrbo. In fact, one reason for creating the Elven coin is to give all people who participate in PozitUrbo a reward. This reward empowers the people economically, so that they live a decent life. This is because poverty degrades human beings.

In actual fact, PozitUrbo relates to positive things and positive living. PozitUrbo is created on the basis of two words from the Esperanto language Pozitiva (Positive) and Urbo (City). The fact is that the creators of the project consider such a name to show a high level of democratic behavior and individual participation, where they earn a reward.

Read more on PozitUrbo, from the visionary’s own words: https://levelnaut.com/2021/02/07/poziturbo-new-social-network

Visit poziturbo.com and start earning rewards in Elven Coins.

Positeca: This is the third concept that powers our Elven coin economy. According to Boris Siomin, the founder and owner of the Elven Coin Project, “positive is one of the basic principles of the Levelnaut and Elven Coin projects.” Here is his words in detail: “You know that only for spreading the positive around the world you can get the Elven Coin for free, or more precisely, as a reward for this activity.”

How does this work? So simple! If you create a group or channel that contains only positive things such as attractive and interesting videos, memes, pictures, quotes and Infographics, you earn our precious Elven coin. However, you have to register this group with us.

Read more about positeca: https://levelnaut.com/2021/05/22/poziturbo-plus-positeca/

These groups or channels which exude positive vibes are called Positeca groups. Here is one such positeca group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/positeca

Well-paying community programs: One of the aspects that shows humanity is a simple way in which people earn the Elven coin. They participate in simple activities and earn it. This enables them to live a positive life.

Mentorship and counselling programs: In our day to day activities we encompass free mentorship and counselling programs in order to empower our community. For instance, we train people to become community managers, crypto writers and investors, for free. The reasons is we want the best for all people who work with us and support our vision.

Clear Career path program: The other way the levelnaut group creates hope is to give a clear career path to its community members. This is important because the company is poised for growth. Our road map includes our own cryptocurrency exchange, vibrant ElvenLand advertising program and the positeca and PozitUrbo programmes. They all require competent and committed individuals. You can become part of it and live a positive life.

If you wish to join our team and community leaders, read this article: https://levelnaut.com/2021/04/13/career-plan-ambassadors/

Uniqueness of the Elven Economy

Let’s be frank: This is one well-known cryptocurrency, created for the main purpose of helping people to live a positive life, each and every day of their lives. It’s about humanity. About human dignity. About inducing hope in others. Our positeca groups and poziturbo.com, social media are meant to distress people, in these very difficult days.

Read the alluring words of the founder here: https://levelnaut.com/2021/06/06/elven-coin-to-be-loyal/

Partnership: We believe that the Elven Coin has something to offer to humanity. As a growing community and project, we aspire to join hands with likeminded organizations. If you feel that your organization has something to offer in this respect, please reach out to [email protected], for details. Together, let’s create a better world for humanity.


If you share the philosophy of the Elven coin, join any of our communities.




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