A Warning to Pedophiles Harassing Me for Reporting on Them

in #elsagate7 years ago (edited)

First of all, I have started a GoFundMe due to severe retaliation from the pedo stalkers. Many people mentioned that they refuse to donate via GoFundMe. If you are interested in helping me out, I am hoping to start a legal defense fund for other journalists, since it seems that the Mainstream Media doesn't usually cut it. Here is more information on how to donate:

Secure Bitcoin Donations Address: 1JTLpYH2CxoAAA5DvfcEUToDiGkH2xUjaL

Paypal: http://paypal.me/amyrebeccajames

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/fight-back-against-retaliation

Or you can send a check, cash or a money order to me at:

Amy James
PO Box 120281
Arlington, Texas 76012

My first order of business is to defend myself. Once that is done, I will be conducting FOIA campaigns to address issues regarding investigations that seem to be going badly, to help ensure that the public has some level of oversight to hold law enforcement's feet to the fire on going after child predators.

Here are the screenshots of some of the harassment - note, some of these were somehow removed from my imgur account / scrubbed from the internet, but I am going to start posting them here whenever possible so they cannot be removed.

The End of the Era of Community Supervision for Child Rapists and Kidnappers

This past July, I was asked to write for my friend Travis Smith of readwipedandblew.com. A large number of fake accounts / stalkers (likely really only one or two people) continue to come on the website and leave breadcrumbs about their identities. My computer is now infected with malware and my email was hacked into.

Despite this, I have continued publishing my findings and the more I found, the worse the story seems to get. I have detailed much of the stalking and harassment at http://tinyurl.com/gregchism

The latest occurred a couple of days ago with this.

For those who don't know what this is, it is a red-headed person "bound" by clear tape "for sale" on YouTube, a taunting message similar to the now, apparently debunked by Bryon Adams "Child for sale" story that was sent to us a couple of months ago. What I found when that story was sent to me was that my email had been hacked into. The pedos used it to show me how they are encrypting their messages, and after it was made clear to Greg Chism that I knew how to do this, he said he would make his communications more secure, and then deleted his channel. In a more disturbing twist, the pedos also had copies of handwriting that was very close or identical to the handwriting of my ex-husband, and once I reported the threats I was receiving to law enforcement, my ex or someone opened a CPS case on me for being a journalist (see below).

I find it interesting that most of the same findings I made in my articles were published nearly point for point by Buzzfeed, The Daily Mail, and Variety Magazine, yet for some reason I am the target of the harassment.

I was recently told I must STFU and pretend I was naive if I wanted to survive.

I will easily shut up when threatened, until you screw with my life to the point that I will never shut up. If you don't believe me, look at the past 13 years of my blogging history and the number of magazines and newspapers I've been featured in.

Greg Chism is a pedophile. He puts his daughters (I use that term loosely) in compromising videos and allows pedophiles to type emoji ejaculations, he allows and encourages other pedophiles to come to his channel and gawk for money from YouTube. Every fact I uncovered connecting him to the Lisa Irwin abduction is more than enough evidence for the police to get a DNA test of Deborah Bradley and "Annabelle."

Greg Chism, or someone pretending to be him, also sent me messages on Twitter and Discord claiming that they would "see me at the mill" with a link to a Pelzer, SC blog which I can only assume is a link to a Satanic cult blog. The comment that they made about their scat was "it's real shit."

If it is true that the FBI and Granite City PD and Kansas City PD are truly investigating him, either he's about to go down John Tanko style as a patsy for a larger ring, or he's going to get off just like he always has before. I don't think Trump is going to let this entire pedophile network last much longer but maybe I'm just naive.

If Buzzfeed and The Daily Mail want to continue investigating him, and I hope that they do, I also hope that eventually the people targeting me will be brought to justice.

After I reported the death threats I was getting to law enforcement, someone decided to open a CPS case against me for "endangering my children by being an investigative journalist."

To the pathetic trolls who are at home masturbating to child pornography while calling me stupid on my articles, if that makes you feel slightly better about yourself, go ahead because in the grand scheme of life, there's only so many children you can kidnap and kill before some juries decide you are not long for this world. The majority of society, consisting of non-pedophiles, would love to see all of your heads on sticks. A sex offender registry created by "child advocates" of days gone by is the very least you deserve.

The new generation of protective parents is not going to put up with this probation for child rapists as the standard.


"The End of the Era of Community Supervision for Child Rapists and Kidnappers" Great title. Praying this gets resolved. Sharing your story around.

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