'We the People' vs. the "Lizard People" - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
My friend of over 30 years and I are having a spirited and ongoing dialogue over my various posts on the doings of the "Lizard People". Whether Aliens like David Icke says, or Fallen Angels like Steve Quayle claims, Interdimensional Entities as suggested by Alfred Lambremont Weber, the Anunnaki tweaking our DNA as per Jim Marr, or merely garden variety sociopaths and psychopaths - "Lizard People" seems an apt description.
In our last exchange he asked me to "show (him) some verifiable evidence that the Democrats are running a pedophile ring".
Here is my response:
My Friend, as I've said many times, "pedophilia" (aka abduction, rape, and often torture and murder of children including infants) is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It goes way beyond just politicians or Americans. It's a "We the People" vs. the "Lizard People" issue and its depth and breadth is almost beyond comprehension. It's an issue people can unite around despite the deep divisions fomented between good people everywhere today.
The "evidence", though verifiable, is not meant to be proof in a court of law. It's meant to paint a picture that suggests the scope of what is truly going can be seen seemingly everywhere once we're willing to see with open eyes.
I'll limit examples to those you've undoubtedly heard of already - British elites and the Vatican/Catholic church.
It doesn't include any of the top tiers of the other "Pyramid Organizations" in the world today - royalty from other countries, other governments, global corporations, "charitable" foundations, universities, global NGOs, etc.
- Jimmy Savile - Knighted British Royal Insider and Prince Charles buddy:
- Prime Minister Edward Heath - Post Mortem Pedophilia Allegations:
- Queen Elizabeth - Convicted of Disappearance of Ten Orphan Children:
- Nude Boy Escaping Buckingham Palace. They claim it’s a video hoax. Agree?
- Prince Edward - Visits (Convicted Pedophile) Jeffrey Epstein's "Orgy Island":
- Sir Peter Telford Hayman - Deputy Director of MI6 (British CIA):
- UK Prime Minister David Cameron - Hampstead Coverup:
Vatican/Catholic Church - Even after spending $2B+ defending/covering up sex crimes the incidence of pedophilia among priests (all due respect to the many decent Catholic priests) is cliche.
Vatican - Cardinal Theodore McCarrick:
- Vatican - Cardinal George Pell - 2018:
I could easily show many many more examples.
Winston Shrout claims (publicly both in interviews and in his writings) that tribal Native American leaders told him the government has stolen and never returned 26,000 of their children.
One of my best friends, a fireman from Florida, was shipped into Lousiana to help out in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He was told, face to face, by a local first responder that 10,000 children were missing.
Wonder why 1,500 kids were separated from their parents during the mysterious immigration wave that appeared out of nowhere on the Mexican border recently? Now that the story is fading from the news I believe we’re seeing the abduction/disappearance of 1,500 kids - never to be seen by their families again - right before our eyes.
I’ve seen two separate, credible claims recently that both claimed the same number of missing children today - 7,000,000 worldwide.
How many data points/"dots" do you need before you are willing to admit a big picture is emerging?
Many people, and more every day, are focused on ending the abduction, rape, torture and murder of children/infants. The end of this unspeakable evil is underway.